Friday, November 16, 2012

Hard to believe she's 11 months old!

I posted this on Facebook a couple weeks ago: I love that I can lay my baby down and she'll go to sleep, but sometimes I wish she would relax in my arms and just let me rock her while I soak in her sweetness. Her first birthday is in 7 weeks and I'm a little bit sad that she's growing up right before my eyes. I love you, Hayden Claire!! ♥

Thankfully, she's still nursing so I still get some baby snuggle time in. And just this last week, she's been running a fever so she did lay on me for awhile, which is pretty unheard of.

She has the MOST adorable wave, all you have to do is say, "Bye-bye!" and her little wrist goes a'twirlin'! It's THE cutest thing!

She hardly holds still for a minute. Diaper changes are full out wrestling matches. I'm usually grabbing her by the leg to drag her back and get the dipe on her bare bum! She's in the pantry, unloading water bottles and other treasures. If the fridge door is open, she wants to be in there too.

She growls, she fake coughs, fake laughs, "sings" when everyone is singing, says "uh-oh"

Preston is really rough with her and I'm constantly telling him to get off of her or to put her down. He carries her around under her arms, poor thing! But Hayden sure loves her Preston!! She loves seeing him after her naps. In fact, sometimes Preston just jumps right in to her crib and they bounce around for a bit!She hardly holds still for a minute.

Hayden is still in our room, but I'm hoping that we can get the room situation all worked out very SOON!!! She's waking several times a night and since she can see us, she just yells and screams until Matt gets her out and I nurse her. I'm ready for some sleep training and a good night's sleep. It's been well over a year and I think I deserve it!!!

Stealing mom's smoothie~

It's not always that we get Daddy in Sunday School with us, but he sure likes to have fun entertaining everyone around us! 

I can tell she's not going to let me get off easy. She's already trouble with a capital "T!" It's always an adventure while we're shopping.
Even though she can be a stinker at times, but she is such a little love bug and I wouldn't trade her for the world!!! I can't believe we're only a few short weeks away from her first birthday. I wish time could stand still and she could stay little forever!

1 comment:

Matthew Palmer said...

She looks like she is having fun in the shopping cart.