Monday, June 17, 2013

Our one and only Summer "trip"

I made the mistake of telling Preston that we were going to the cabin several weeks beforehand.  He literally asked me DAILY if today was "cabin day."  I should know better by now!

No husbands this time~ just me and my kids, Jen and her kids, the mother-in-law and Grandma LeBaron.  Aunt Laura was there for two days during our stay as well.  I didn't even bring my camera out of the car, which was kinda liberating.  Although I do feel like I'm taking too little REAL pictures these days. I need to be better about that.

We got up to the cabin after some stressful morning events.  I was doing SO good, felt more prepared than I ever have before, making good time and packed the entire Suburban by myself.  I let Hayden sleep as long into the morning as possible, which she has been doing great at, only to go in and be greeted by and awful stench....  She had puked and had a nasty poopy diaper!!!  I'm not sure what point she had thrown up, but I was horrified and could hardly breathe through the cleanup!!  I put Hayden in the bathtub and instructed Brooklyn to supervise while I cleaned the mess up.  I stripped the entire crib, rinsed off her crib bedding and blanket, threw it all in the washer on sanitize setting, Clorox wiped the mattress and every rail and slat of the crib.  She didn't have a fever at this point but it was obvious she wasn't really feeling well.  THEN, when everything was loaded into the car, I went to start it and click, click, click -- NOTHING.  Are you kidding me??!  First a sick baby and now my car won't start.  I called my dad, who thankfully works in the neighborhood across the way, and he came right over to help.  He jumped my car, then I took it to O'Reilly so they could run a diagnostic check on the battery.  They said it was fine, so I loaded up the kids in the car, said a quick prayer and off we went.

We stayed until Friday, doing the usual cabin things- kids running the mountain, eating too much junk, staying up way too late, kids getting up at the crack of dawn, playing card games, visiting the Pine store.
Grandma LeBaron doing "Here's a Ball for Baby"
Matt got these old hats of Grandpa LeBaron's for the kids.
The boys eating their goodies from the Pine store

Hayden was TERRIFIED to walk on the porch!!  I think it's because she was sure she'd slip through the 1/4" space between the slats!  On Thursday, she finally got brave enough and found her way down the stairs to the dirt.

We've been teaching the kids a few of the easier card games that the LeBaron's play.  They love being included!

Blake had dishes duty as a punishment for having a nasty attitude.  He also lost a tooth the last morning we were there.

The girls.  We missed Sophie!!
Traditional picture on the stairs before we leave.

I love being at the cabin but everyone is completely worn out and practically delirious by the time go home.  Oh, and because we didn't have enough fun, the car wouldn't start AGAIN when we tried to leave and Gavin threw up twice on the drive home.  Thankfully, I was well prepared with ziploc bags because he was complaining of a yucky tummy that morning.

Because the LeBaron side of the family is getting so large, it's not very often that we get a chance to spend time there.  I love the opportunity we have to relax a bit and for the kids to make memories with their cousins.  Matt and I have a goal one day to own a cabin where we can see our posterity continue to do the same.  Someday....

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