Monday, July 21, 2014

Hayden gets a big girl bed!

Hayden has been able to climb out of her crib for almost a year, so we figured it was probably time to put her in a regular bed.  She's the first one of the kids that got to go straight to a twin bed!  I wanted to start her off by just putting the box spring and mattress on the floor, just in case she rolled off.  Plus the bed frame I'm coveting is $600 and Matt would never go for that.  I'm keeping my eye out for a cheaper option that hopefully I can paint.

I'm always nervous for the transition, even though she's been able to climb out of her crib, she has stayed in once we put her there and only gets out when she wakes up after nap or in the morning.  I was worried the newfound freedom would cause a disruption in her otherwise good sleeping habits.  I was pleasantly surprised that she STAYED!!!  And she has only fallen off maybe two or three times!  She loves having a big bed, just like the big kids!

Bye bye crib!!!

Now we can finally paint and make her room girly!  I have ideas for a window seat, some decor and other fun things to pretty up the space!

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