Thursday, December 18, 2014

6th Grade Wax Museum

Every grading period (6 weeks), the kids have to do book report and recite a poem in front of their class. This grading period, their book report was more of a big project.  They had to choose a person from the last century that was influential; Blake had to choose an inventor, Brooklyn had to choose an author or playwright.  They had to make a poster with specific facts and photos to show about the life of this person.  Brooklyn chose Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the Little House series.  Blake chose Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford motor company and also developed the assembly line technique of mass production.

We are procrastinators and always end up staying up waaaaaaay late into the night to finish these darn things!  Seems like these big projects come up way too often!

Last night, we went over to the school where they had all the 6th grader's posters displayed in the cafeteria.  The kids each sat in front of their poster and when touched on the shoulder, would give a brief speech on their life and accomplishments.  It was very well done!

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