Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hayden's 3rd birthday

How on earth did this sweet little thing turn THREE YEARS OLD today??!!  

I cannot believe that my baby is no longer a "baby," although she will always be my baby.

Oh my gosh, what can I say about this girl???!  She is full of sass and one million percent girly girl!  She talks all.the.time.  One of my favorite things she says is "glur" instead of "girl."  When she says the prayer, she says, "Bless that we can go camping, and to Target and Disneyland," EVERY time!  Sometimes she even slips Costco in there too.  She asks to wear a "twirly skirt" and have her hair "in a big braid like Elsa" every day.  She takes off or changes her clothes constantly and insists on choosing her own clothes and shoes.  She LOVES Disney princesses and dresses up nearly every day.  She tells us to call her whatever princess she is dressed as~ Ariel, Elsa, Belle.  She is a pretty good eater!  She loves things like black olives, dill pickles and raw bell peppers.  She steals gum out of my purse if I leave it down.  She is Preston's little side-kick and follows him everywhere!  She is still napping every day and is really good about staying in her bed, as long as she gets a story and a sippy cup!  She still sucks her finger and drags her blankie with us everywhere we go, although she's getting better about voluntarily leaving it in the car.  I'm not planning on breaking this little habit any time soon. ;)

To celebrate Hayden's birthday, we invited family and some friends over for cake and ice cream.  She is obsessed with Belle from Beauty & the Beast and told me she wanted a Belle cake.  My friend Shelbi came through with this cake for her-- it turned out pretty amazing!

Time for gifts!
Her sweet friend Bridger gave her this Belle bubble wand
Sophie and Hayden having a little dress up time :)
This is such a FUN, fun stage!  She's definitely 3 going on 13!  I love having just her at home with me for half the day.    She is very independent, but I secretly love that she lets me carry her around when we're out and about.  She says the funniest things and we have the cutest conversations!  We love her so, SO much!!

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