Friday, July 24, 2015

Quick trip to the cabin

We got home from the Dominican Republic after midnight, went to church, then Monday morning, I packed everything up to head to the cabin for two days.  Crazy, I know, but the kids were absolutely begging to go to the cabin and this was really the only chance we had to go during the summer.

strawberry jammies at the Strawberry cabin!
Bounce Dance Company was BACK!!
Filthy feet!
A pile of cousins on the trampoline
Up before anyone else....  zzzzz
Tearing it up at Hand & Foot!!
Eating straight from the blueberry carton in your panties, why not?
A few people were weirded out by her nakedness but whatevs, that's our norm!
The boys, building their "fort" up the mountain
The kids love visiting great Aunt Sally Sue at her cabin down the way!
of course our photo on the steps before we leave~
Even though it was really tough to do back to back trips like that, I'm SO glad we went.  The kids had a fabulous time and I love the down time and the constant card games!  Grateful we have the chance to spend time at the cabin with family!

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