Monday, February 11, 2008

Party Time and 'Memory Lane' pics of the twinners

Princesses VS Transformers

That was the theme for Brooklyn and Blake's birthday party! :) We had their party on Saturday at a nearby park. It was just a family affair this time around. We're sorry we missed so many of you that weren't feeling well!!! Brooklyn and Blake were super excited that they got to have their own party with a pinata! We had a great time!

Josh and Blake in their Transformers shirts.
Brooklyn and Emily, the only two girl cousins (out of 9!) on the Palmer side, representing the princesses!
Gavin takes a whack at the pinata!Blake's turn!Then Brooklyn!A baseball glove fit for a princess! (the twins start t-ball next month)Yay for Littlest Pet Shop!Blake's favorite, of course, a gun!Excited for Cranky the Crane to join the ranks of the other Lego trains!And a bonus picture of my sweet niece, Lexi!

Ok, now a few pics from Brooklyn and Blake's first five years of life! I love looking back at pictures and remembering certain things from back in the day.

Straight from the womb! Brooklyn on top (look at those breech baby legs!) and Blake on bottomI love this picture!! 8 days oldLOL!! 6 months old1 year oldalmost 18 months old2 years old2.5 years old3 years old4 years old5 YEARS OLD!!!!


Jamie said...

Gosh they are so stinkin cute! I wish I could have had twins! Well maybe not, but kinda! Brooklyn looks so tall and skinny I can't believe it. Looks like they had a fun day!

Kristin said...

I wish Andrew & Spence could have been there to play with the cousins!! Looks like fun, sorry we missed it.

Beka said...

so many cute pics of them thru the years..i still cant believe they are already5!

Carrie Anne said...

I can't believe how OLD they are! Holy cow! It looks like you had a blast! So fun! Happy Birthday B&B!