Brooklyn had been begging me and begging me and BEGGING me to go to the kids museum for the past couple weeks and I'd managed to hold her off until now. I looked up the one I knew around here and determined that it might be a little too young for my 5 year olds. So, we headed over to the big time- the SCIENCE center! It has been YEARS since I've been there and I didn't remember there being that many things for young ones to do, but it was perfect for the twins!! We spent 2.5 hours exploring and playing. It was a little pricey, but worth it in my opinion! Brooklyn asked the next two days in a row if we could go back!
Blake explores the layers of our skin ~~ Brooklyn learns how our lungs work

This was the funniest thing!! You push a little blue button, try to throw these soft balls into the nostril (it's just one side of a nose up against a mirror) and then it SNEEZES the balls back out at you!!!!!! It scared the heck outta my kids!! Gavin kept saying, "I don't want the sneezer!" Haha!

B&B in front of an animatronic T-Rex ~~ B&B trying to lift 300 lbs off the ground

Another crazy thing- you stand on this platform and push yourself with your foot around and around this pole. Then you put both feet down and you spin so fast!! After Brooklyn had stopped spinning, I told her to get off and she said, "I can't!" She had this terrified look on her face and was clinging to the pole!! I think she thought she was still spinning!! LOL! I had to grab her arm and help her off the platform! Check out her hair in this picture!

Here they had to lift a percentage of their own body weight in order to get themselves up in the air-

Brooklyn rolls a ball along the wall ~~ Gavin calls France

This is the visual cliff experiment (if you've taken Psych 101 in college, chances are you probably learned about this) where there is a platform of sturdy plastic, but it looks like there is a drop-off or "deep end" where the pattern goes vertical, then along the bottom of the box. Gavin was fooled for a second. Here he is testing to see if it's ok to proceed across.... sucking his thumb, of course!

A fun water feature ~~ Thanks for coming along with us! :)