This is an interchangeable headband I made so you can put any bow on it.
These all have alligator clips on the back so they can attach to the headband
I think I may have found a new [potentially expensive] hobby! Maybe if I get good enough, I can actually sell some of these!Brooklyn kept asking if I was making any bows for her and when I told her these were all for Lexi, she was totally bummed!! I told her we can make a special trip to the ribbon store so she can pick out her own ribbons and I'll make a couple bows for her. How much longer do you think she'll let me put bows in her hair? I think I need another baby girl! ;)
Okay, I'm a bow Nazi and so you know this is true when I say to you, "YOU ARE TALENTED!" A lot of times I try to make those bows and it's too hard, because I can't make them look professional enough, so you are definitely a natural! I'm not even joking! Sometimes when I go to craft show things and I see bows I don't want them because I don't like how they "look." Seriously, how do you get that knot in the middle to look so good and the ribbon part? I LOVE THOSE and I'll pay you to make them for me! I love that spiraly pink/white one...whatever it's called. Where did you get those instructions? Maybe I'll attempt it one time and if I can't do it, I'll send you all my ribbons to turn into bows! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ribbons SO MUCH! I would DIE in that store I am sure! You should be very proud of yourself! Those are very cute!
These are adorable!! If I ever have another baby girl I'm calling you! I'm sure Becky will LOVE them.
your bows turned out great! yeah, it's totally addicting. i was out of control when clara was first born and now i can't put anything on her head. i kept pretending i'd sell the ones i made and then never got enough motivation to do so.
Wow, Good job Lindsay! I would buy those from you...I love the headbands! :)
Yes - your bows are amazing! you are realy good at following written instructions. That is awesome. I know what you mean about it being addicting...we'll have to get together sometime and make bows...I actually have a lady from EBAY that crochets these little flowers that can be made into adorable clips...let me know if you want to see some - she is super inexepensive as well...see ya!
Those are so cute. I totally love them. Of course I love all things girly. Fun hobby.
Totally cute bows...maybe one day we'll have a girl for me to dress up :)
Very Cute! Hey did you get my email? I just want to make sure that I sent it to the right email address. You don't have to respond right away. i just want to make sure that you got it.
you've inspired me! madison won't wear headbands but i can put her hair in one little pony tail so i need some bows. i will have to check out ribbons'n'lace!
way cute! and deinintely must come easy for you, because they look better than most! And love ribbons N Lace.. probably a good thing we live 30 minutes away from it!
I just totally remembered that I forgot your Birthday! so sorry... hope you had a good one! Can you believe that we are now closer to 30?!
Hey Lindsay!
I'm so glad I ran into your blog! It's been a while since I've heard hw your cute family is doing. It looks like you're doing great =). Your kids are so cute. Way cute bows too by the way! I hope you don't mind if I check in on you once in a while. I love blog hopping =). Check mine out sometime if you want. We're going private soon so leave me your email if you want to keep reading so I don't lock you out =)
Oh my gosh! Those are totally FABULOUS! I make my own head bands too and I have come to a little bit of a rut. I love the idea to put those big bows on clips so you can attach different ones. I have done it with the flower ones but not the big ol' bows. I will have to try the bows too. SO TOTALLY HOT! Love it!
Those are SO cute. You should sell them. They can be so expensive to buy! I wish I could make them that cute! I wish I had time to even TRY. :) How are you doing with the food allergies???
Ok, so I am a little behind on my blog reading these days, but I wanted to let you know that...
1) Those bows and headbands are really quite cute! I'm not really that into bows, probably because Abby rips them out, but yours are really well done! I'm impressed.
2) I really enjoyed reading your testimony about conference. This was the first conference that I have missed (mainly due to being in the hospital with my Mom) since I reactived myself. I am really looking forward to the Ensign and I will be sure to read up on Elder Ballard's talk.
3) Thanks for the potty-training thoughts. I'm thinking about giving it a go soon and being that I am clueless on the topic, I appreciate the advice.
Miss you!
I've tried and failed at making bows. You have the knack for them! I really wish I could make them! They are so much cuter than the ones in the store.
Those are so dang cute!! If we have another girl I'll havet to commission you to make some of those cute bands! You are mui talented!!
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