Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive!

I think this has been my absolute longest hiatus from blogging EVER!! I'm sure some of you were wondering if I had fallen off the face of the planet. I can assure you, I have not.

We actually have moved out of our apartment and in with Matt's brother and his family. They are so graciously allowing us to crash with them for a couple months for the interim between the time that Matt graduates, finds a job and until we are ready to purchase our own home. Seriously, it's been a life saver! We're learning the ropes of sharing space (the kids have their moments) and taking advantage of all the fun things they have here like the Wii and a swimming pool. I'm getting spoiled already, living in a big gorgeous house and sharing household responsibilities with another wife/mom. Sounds a bit polygamist-ish, doesn't it? ;) Matt told me he could get another wife, but I declined on that offer.

I'll be trying to catch up over the next little bit with all our happenings. And I hope everyone has noticed just how many days are left on Matt's graduation countdown!!!!!! Wooooohoooooooo!! I can't believe we're almost done and it's FOR REAL!!!! For the first time in our married lives, Matt won't be a student! I can't wait to be back in California next week to see my good friends. It's already felt like we've been gone from there for forever!


Heather said...

LOL that's so funny Matt offered to get another wife. Sharing household responsibilities with someone else would be NICE, but I wouldn't be willing to share my hubby =).

Congrats on the graduation coming up! How exciting.

Carrie Anne said...

I actually was wondering what was going on with you! That hiatus was TOO LONG! I can't believe it's graduation time! WAHOOOOOOOO! Yeah for you guys! That will be so much fun for you to head back to CA for graduation! Party time!
We know about living with family...definitely an experience! Good luck and for sure keep us posted!

Brandy said...

I am so excited for you guys with graduation coming up! yipeee! I remember it all vividly and I remember saying the same thing you did about having always been students since we were married. Give it a few more months then you'll have oodles of debt, a mortgage, maybe a pet or two, and a husband that actually has predictable hours! Congrats!!!

The Smith's said...

Wow that is a big step. Congrats to Matt on graduating. That is awesome.

Carrie Anne said...

Don't laugh at me for this, but I seriously woke up in the middle of the night last night CRAVING your orange julius! I finally got up at around 8:30 and was hoping SO BADLY that I could find your recipe and that it wasn't packed away somewhere and lucky for me, I found it! YAHOOOOOOO! So, I made your orange julius recipe, drank the ENTIRE thing all morning and LOVED every drop. I didn't even share with the kids. It hit the spot! Would that be good with lemonade or limeade? I guess I'm craving citrus stuff lately...I'm getting so fat! Holy cow!

Jamey said...

I can't believe you are so close to being done!! That's awesome. Have a great time at graduation and enjoy California for all of us who miss it.