One guess as to whom the culprit is.............................

He ate
FIVE pieces of Bubble Yum (you know how big those pieces are?!??!),
THREE pieces of Extra watermelon gum and
ONE piece of Sweet Mint Orbit. How that kid managed to keep it all down, I have no idea! Last time he ate a million pieces of gum, he barfed it all back up. Of course he wasn't hungry for lunch that day! ;) All this sneakiness was done whilst I was checking blogs. Guess that'll teach me to lock the pantry door when I'm done!
What an easy kid to feed and an inexpensive too diet too:-)
Oh my gosh, Lindsay, that is too funny. I think I would have puked for sure if I ate that much gum! He must have an iron stomach! Well, I guess you just need to stock up on lots of gum from Costco and add that to your food storage for him and he wil be good to go if there's ever a disaster!
that's crazy! it was fun to see your fam at dland! post up those pics already! :)
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