This entry will be comprised of our doings while in California for Matt's graduation last week.
Last Tuesday, we headed out to California. We shared a hotel suite with the Barneys and I think all our kids were excited to see each other after 6 months of being apart!
Wednesday, we met up with some friends at the park (oh how we miss that park!) for playing and lunch. That night we had the Class of 2008 banquet, which was a dinner cruise, just like last year. It was great to see Matt's classmates and have one last hoorah together. As parting gifts, each student received a digital picture frame.
Us, the Barneys, and the Poulters, some of our best friends during school
Thursday, we spent the day at Disneyland with the Barneys and Matt's parents. The kids had no idea we were going, so they were completely surprised!! And there is only one way to describe that day -- WET! It actually started off ok, but we hadn't been in the park for more than two hours when it started getting really overcast and the first drops of rain began to fall. It really never let up for more than a few minutes here and there and of course we ended up soaked. Our kids were troopers, though, and because of that, we stayed till probably close to 6pm and hit all the rides we wanted to. I love Disneyland!!!
Traditional Disneyland photo
We're already wet, why not go on Splash Mountain? I sat in front and got even MORE soaked!!!
Friday was GRADUATION DAY!!!! The day we've waited for for the last four years! It was still COLD and a bit rainy, but we made it through the ceremony. It's so different attending a small graduation - much more personal since even I knew a lot of the administration and staff.
Umbrellas up!!
Matt is currently negotiating a job opportunity and we'll be SO excited to actually be making $$ instead of borrowing it! I just have to say how proud I am of my sweet honey and all the hard work he has done to get through undergrad and graduate school, all while having a wife and three kids! We survived!! For the first time in our married lives, he won't be a student! I love you, babe!
K, Brooklyn, that was amazing. I laughed so hard. I think she was temporarily possessed. Matt... YEA! by the way Doc, what is the optometric oath...don't poke anyones eye out?!
Congrats to both of you! What a huge accomplishment! It's so exciting to be done, but you will miss it! Looks like you had fun in Cali, Too bad it rained. Tell Matt congrats from the Terry's!
Congratulations Dr. Palmer!! That is totally awesome. Way to go Matt for achieving such great heights and way to go Lindsay for supporting him (happily) on the way.
PS Matt's dad looks completely adorable in his suit and hat. :)
Congratulations!! How exciting.
It looks like your kids had a blast at Disneyland. Probably nice it rained. Short lines (if you don't mind being wet).
That is so awesome that he is done!! Congratulations! Looks like you guys had fun in California!!! (I love how wet you got what a good sport!)
Congrats!!! It was fun to see you all again. Good luck with the job offer!
Congrats! That's so exciting! I can't wait to be done with school too but we're not even close =). You'll have to update us on the job he choses on!
YAY for graduation! That is so exciting! I can't wait for the day to come!
yay you posted the dland pics!!! wasn't the weather horrible?! but it made hardly any wait times. :) pass our congrats on to Matt!!!
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