Matt started off by surprising me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers on Tuesday. I think this is the prettiest bunch that I've ever received!! Thanks Haws Flowers! Every morning, Matt put wrote a little blurb about what each different flower represented- pink tulip (my fave!), lavender daisies, purple iris, white stock, yellow rose, pink rose then red roses. Very sweet!
That's all I asked for was a night out with my honey and we had a great time. Thanks to my sis for babysitting our kiddos for us!
It's been a crazy six years, with getting married and having babies and doing the grad school thing, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!!
It's been a crazy six years, with getting married and having babies and doing the grad school thing, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! I love before and after pictures. Very cute. Thanks for "coming out" on my blog. I hope you get your lens!
loved the pictures! Hey, my mission president was President Mullin from Provo, Utah! That is awesome that your Dad knows him. What a small world, huh? I am sure every return missionary says this but, my mission president was the best! :)
Happy Anniversary! We had our 8th in dec and it seems like a forever too. I don't know what I'd do w/o him...or how I did w/o him....not very good btw:)
It was nice to catch up on your blog. I can't believe graduation is almost here! So excited for you guys! Whatever comes, it will just be nice to be done with school!
Happy 6 years together! I hope your next 6 years are full of love and happiness.
I'm very impressed with your bowling scores by the way. I think I've broken 100 points like once or twice. Is it possible to be that bad?
Happy Anniversary! Looks like you guys had a fun night. I like the bowling idea and flowers are always fun! Way to go at bowling... very impressive! :)
Happy Anniversary! Man time flies! What a fun date night for you two! Woooohooooo! I wish I had more control over Bee with her clothes...I put something out, she changes it and then we're late so I have to go with it. Don't worry, though, a few days I've told her she looks that good mothering?:)
Happy Anniversary! I am glad to see that Matt is such a great bowler.
I LOVE seeing peoples wedding pictures! I think you should post more :) Happy Anniversary!
whoops we missed the anniversary by almost a month! happy late anniversary you six year folks! and we are excited that matt's ready to graduate too! let's keep in touch, you guys!!!
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