Last week was Brooklyn & Blake's 1st official Spring Break. We celebrated each day to the fullest!! I loved being able to be busy with my kids!
Cabin {Fri-Wed}All of Matt's sibs, their spouses and kids, along with Mom and Dad, headed up to Strawberry for a little R & R at Grandma and Grandpa LeBaron's cabin. The men (and Melissa) all had to leave on Sunday to get back for church and/or work, so the girls and kidlets stayed behind. It's soooooo nice that the kids can just be kids up in the mountains! Roaming around, gettin' nice and dirty, practically falling asleep on their way to bed due to sheer exhaustion by the end of the day! Here's what kept us busy~
Little-bit-a quaddin'
Brooklyn, uncle JJ, Emi

Little-bit-a sleepin'
Matt and Dan
Little-bit-a Guitar Hero
Melissa and Mike
Little-bit-a exercisin'
Aunt Kimberly and Aunt Kristin with Brooklyn, Andrew and Emily
Little-bit-a fort buildin'

Check out these toothless girlies!! The ONLY two girl cousins,
thank heavens they are so close in age!!

Blake, Spencer, Emily, Brooklyn, Andrew, Gavin, Josh and Adam (missing Jacob and Preston) Movie Night {Thurs}We rented and watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua together. Brooklyn calls it Which-a-wow-wow. LOL! Chocolate chip cookies were the perfect treat to go with. Gavin begged to go to bed, so he missed the end. What kid does that??!? Sorry, no pics of the occasion.
Phoenix Children's Museum {Fri}I've been dying to take the kids to this place since it opened last summer. My sister, Becky, and I made a morning of it. I think half the population of AZ was there that day!! Must have all the same idea to celebrate the end of Spring Break! I was definitely impressed by the exhibits and the kids had a blast! We can't wait to go back!
Awesome "art!"
CDs hanging...

...and a jumble of silverware

This thing was the coolest!!! You stick a ball or scarf into these tubes and it sucks it all around through the maze and puffs it out at the top. We spent a LOT of time here!!!

Gavin, however, was NOT impressed by the above exhibit (he didn't like the wind blowing out at him) and opted for something a little more tame. :)

Blake using a little bit of locomotion

My cute niece Lexi.
You lift these stacks of washers up the pole and they wobble down,
making a humongously loud ruckus!!!

Who takes pictures in the bathroom??!??! I do!!!
I was LOVIN' these sinks, all at four different heights! Totally designed for kids!!

Gavin exiting the "Noodle Jungle." There are HUNDREDS of pool noodles strung up to the ceiling and the kids race in and outta here. It's an accident waiting to happen, but it was definitely a fave!

The boys hold still for a little bit of brotherly bonding over a good book.

Brooklyn creating a pizza

This was another favorite exhibit! Release the trapdoor and these racecars roll down the track into a box. The kids run back and do it over and over and over again! Perfect thing to keep the kids busy while mom feeds the baby! ;)

Gav takes a spin on the motorcycle

Preston parking :)

Gavin instantly claimed one of these mini shopping carts as his own in the market. This kid begs to go to Trader Joes weekly, just so he can push a little cart around like this!

Checking out

Movie Night {Sat}
The dollar theater
(we call it that, I think it used to cost $1 to get in, but not anymore) at Superstition Springs is back open so we took the kids there to see Bolt. Apparently we were on a dog movie kick that week! Another very cute movie! :)
Waiting for the show to start

Gav enjoying our customary Icees at the movies

Presto was a good boy as long as I kept his belly full ;)

And that, folks, concludes this year's edition of Spring Break!!!! Can't wait to see what next year holds in store!