Monday, March 30, 2009

Play Ball!!

It's that time of the year again!! Brooklyn and Blake started t-ball and have had a couple games already. This year we're the LA Dodgers!! :) I look forward to my kids playing baseball/softball every summer, just like I did. :) They don't have the option of not playing, sorry! It's still so cute watching these kids learn how to play an organized sport. I love watching the herd of players chasing after or fighting over the ball. Here are some pics of the fun so far-


Go Dodgers!! Twin t-ballers

#1 fan!

For it's one, two, three strikes you're out,
At the old ball game!!!


Jenna said...

This is our first year taking Matthew to T-Ball...I'm happy to say we are actually having a great time! I was worried I'd get tired of going each week...but it's actually fun! Good thing we tried it...Matthew really loves it too... (:

skinners said...

i love the pictures!! they are too cute. and it makes them seem SO old!

Carrie Anne said...

oh they are darling! what is awesome is that when they are in high school they'll be super stars together...they are so cute!

Weston & Jennie said...

They look so cute! I love the picture of Brooklyn where she is leaning on her knees waiting. They both just look so big.

The Lindsey's said...

How fun! Bennett just started t-ball too and loves it. You've got great pics! Ours (If I would actually take some...) would mostly be ones of most of the kids spinning around in circles and playing with the dirt on the mound. Don't we have dirt in our back and front yards?! I don't get it =)