So, in honor of "FHE" Monday night, we took a little outing. I'm usually a stickler about bedtime on school nights, but I didn't care. Like I said, I needed to get out and relax a bit. So we headed to the mall and did three things:
First of all, I'm a wimp. I don't like spinny rides, they make me queasy. But I'll endure mild spinny rides for the sake of my children. ;) This carousel is unique in that is a DOUBLE DECKER carousel. Yes, an upstairs and a downstairs, folks!
Dessert at DQ. Chocolate dipped vanilla cones for the kids and Blizzards for the 'rents. Such a delightful treat!
We had to make sure ALL energy was expended before returning back home, plus the nighttime temps have become so pleasant. Gav was fascinated by the water (what kid isn't??) and Brooklyn was busy unleashing her inner monkey.
Holy cow, I have FOUR kids!!!
Any helpful hints or tips to make FHE become a regular thing? Sometimes it's so hard between when Matt gets home from work, eating dinner, and jumping right into the bedtime routine, I can't imagine adding one more thing in there without going insane! Sounds like I'm just making excuses, aren't I. :(
Just do it right after dinner. Finish eating, sit on the couch and pull out the nursery manual or whatever you use for FHE and do it, don't think about it, just do it!It only takes like 5 minutes...perfect for the kids :) (What helps is having the kids help you do the activity for the lesson)Then put the kids down and do the dishes :) wholla...done! Hope that helps
Holy cow, you do have FOUR kids (I think I said that in my last comment). :)
I have a lot to say about this because several years ago I went to a fireside that made such an impression on my mind. I can't remember who the speaker was, but he was semi-famous in the Mormon world and he was hilarious. He talked about FHE for a little bit and was saying that FHE doesn't always have to be a formal deal with lessons and prayers. He said not only is it okay, but it's good, to just spend time and make memories as a family for some FHE's. So way to go, you had the PERFECT FHE this week. :)
Obviously that doesn't mean it's okay to do that every week. If you don't have the new Nursery manual, get it and use that. It's awesome, simple and easy. We just go in order of the lessons. And something my family did for a little bit because of my dad's schedule is we'd have the formal FHE on Sunday night and then do a fun family activity Monday night.
I was just trying to remember all the regular games we played during family home evening. Ask Matt about the "Mystery Bag" game & Don't eat Pete & The Penny in the Flour games. I've totally got to do that. We've also spent some days teaching the kids Articles of faith.
Hey... anytime you have ice cream involved, that's FHE! :) I'm not one that can give advice, seeing that we don't have kids yet, but I know you value it or you wouldn't care! You're doing a great job with all FOUR kids!
My kids are always asking "What day is it?" Then they follow it up with "What do we do on...." I make sure every Monday morning I always say "Today is Monday...FHE day!" Then, I'm turning back! The kids make sure it happens!
Also, I found that if I stress over having the perfect lesson, it's harder. I do awesome lessons when I "can". I plan on doing SOMETHING. Sometimes it's last minute. Sometimes we grab into our Sunday bag visuals, sometimes the lesson is to talk about everyone's favorite song, and then sing it. The point is to start the habit, then improve on what's taught. The reality is, even if you just read your favorite scripture, and show a picture you're teaching your kids more than otherwise.
We have a "Monday" routine. Dinner, baths, FHE, treat, straight to bed. We don't have to do "family scripture time, and often no stories" due to FHE lesson, and no time for stories. But the kids are okay, because it's the routine for that night every week. Maybe you could alter your routine for one night, or eliminate something that isn't necessary and put FHE in it's place.
We never did assignments, because it was too hard for me to be organized enough to get the kids prepared each week ahead of time. But recently, I just started and it's been fine. We made a train with an assignment on each names alternate each week through the assisgnments...
Our main plan each week is this order: song, prayer, lesson (might be 2-10 minutes), song prayer, treat. Only since our chart have we implemented "game" as routine. Seriously, the whole thing only takes 10-15 minutes...when the kids are really into it, we let it go longer. I imagine as they get older, we'll start spending more time together, and make it an "evening" of FHE.
BTW...we do "activity" nights instead of a routine FHE sometimes, too! (:
I'd rather get Anna to bed than have FHE most nights, but she absolutely loves it! If I were you, I'd start out simple and just make it really fun. That's how we did it. It could be playing a game together... singing primary songs... make puppets...and call it family home evening. I'd lay low on the structured side in the beginning.
Good luck! p.s. there is nothing wrong with an outing either:-_
I'm so glad we are not the only ones! I try, I really do. But soemtimes it's so hard. I know it's one of those things we "have" to do, but one of those things we won't not get into heaven for not doing. Is that bad? Anyhoo, I'll call you about dinner, or like you said, catch each other on Sunday.
use dessert and treats...what helps me is we don't even really get up from dinner! I grab the friend (unless I was awesome and prepared something earlier) and grab dessert and we have the lesson while everyone eats their treats...sing some songs, say a prayer and run up to read stories and go to bed. I'm a stickler about bed time too, so I like to get fhe done as soon as the table is cleared (I only CLEAR the in put everything in the sink but do not do any other type of cleaning) seriously, if you make it part of dessert or a treat like a sucker or something that lasts a long time, it workds out great! OH, and I can't get away without playing red light green light for the "activity" I try to make coloring the picture from the friend the activity, but they don't think that is enough!
That is awesome that you got to go to Disneyland so much, I love that place. We went the past two years and have loved it.
Family night is just what it is family night and you did just that. You spent time w/ your family and bonded:)! I love family nights like that. We just keep our family nights super simple so that we can do it. You have such a cute family. Give me a call sometime and we can meet up at the park!
We use the nursery manuel also. And truth be told we probably only have a lesson twice a month. The other weeks we just play a game or make a dessert together and then eat it. Bedtime always comes very quick so i make sure I let the boys play and wrestle w/ dad while I do the dishes and get the FHE stuff ready. I usually walk into the room singing "if your ready for our lesson song" (found in the manuel) and they come running.
I have no good ideas for you because I am awful at it too! Because of Matt's work we can't have FHE on Monday, and I just can't manage to find a regular time to do it.
I can't believe you have 4 kids! Crazy!! They're all so cute!
I was tickled to see your comment on my blog! I had my twins at 34 weeks and don't get me wrong, I am OVER THE MOON happy that this little boy isn't premature, but I've never been this pregnant before and it's a whole new experience for me! I'm a planner so it's hard not knowing when he's coming & I'm just so excited for him to be here that I'm a little impatient! But all things considered, he's easier to take care of right now :) so I'm trying to enjoy the ride. Thanks for the comment, it was really fun to hear from you!
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