This is a bit overdue, since the kids have been out of school for a week and some already. Every time I think about blogging, I get overwhelmed at the amount of catching up I need to do, so I'll do it by bits and pieces now.
These cute twinners kissed kindergarten GOODBYE!!!!! I can't believe my first babies will be in 1st grade in a couple months! Every morning when either Matt or I would drop them off, we'd get this - I love you signs. Love it! I'm hoping we can keep this up as the years go on.
She taught them so many cute, cute, cute songs to help remember how to skip count, spell colors and various seasonal tunes. It's so funny when I'd start singing along and Brooklyn says, "MOM, you KNOW this song???!???!" Haha! We loved having Mrs. Ctibor as our kindergarten teacher!
After school was out, we had to do a little celebrating of course. We ordered pizza, played a new game on the Wii (yes, we got one - early bday present for Matt), and made homemade pizzookies!
I'm really sad that they won't be attending the same school again next year. I went to this elementary school (different campuses) and am familiar with everything that it's all about. Some of the teachers that I had still teach at the school! But we just can't do the drive every day. Matt used to take the kids every morning on his way to work, but when he got moved to a different office, he had to leave much earlier and then I got to make the 25 minute drive each way, TWICE a day, to and fro. That was just too much. It was two hours out of my day, including waiting time for pick up. Heck, *I* was counting down the days left of school!!!!
I will not lie, it has NOT been easy having Brooklyn and Blake back in the house with us all day long. They are used to a structured day, and normally, Gav and I just hang out and do as we please. There has been a lot of bickering and yelling (some of it from me, the shame) and I'm trying to arrange some sort of "quote-unquote" schedule for us to make things run more smoothly. Plus, I was so used to dropping B&B off and then running my errands - grocery store, Target, what have you - and it's MUCH different trying to accomplish an errand with FOUR kids vs only two. We've managed the grocery store and Costco this week, but I assure you, we got plenty of stares, with kids dangling off my cart left and right!!!! The plan is to hit the library once a week and participate in the summer reading program there. I also want to have a "fun" trip every couple weeks, just to mix things up a bit - the movie theater, perhaps Bounce U or a kids museum, some swimming, etc. I'm looking into dance class for Brooklyn and karate for the boys.
We'll see if we can survive each other this summer! ;) If you don't hear from me in awhile, check in on me, ok?