Weight: 16 lbs. 8 oz. (82nd %ile)
Length: 27 1/4 in. (97th %ile)
Head Circ: 17 1/2 in. (95th %ile)
Length: 27 1/4 in. (97th %ile)
Head Circ: 17 1/2 in. (95th %ile)
Preston STILL has to be swaddled in order for him to sleep for any decent length of time. I'm loving those SwaddleMe blankets and just went out and bought 5 size large ones!! He's only slept through the night (~ 10 hours) twice now, but is doing a good 6 hour stretch on a regular basis. I'm starting to see more of a routine emerge, which I love. He nurses upon waking (15 minutes on one side and he's good to go!!!) and then about 1.5-2 hours later, he's ready to go back down for a nap.
This kid is still a fountain, barfing all the time. He gets drenched, I get drenched, we go through 5 or 6 burp rags and multiple outfits a day and I find it amazing he's still managed to gain good weight!! Preston has rolled from front to back several times and is doing much better with tolerating tummy time. He loves to stand stiff-legged on my lap now or grab his own toes/feet while on his back. He's constantly licking/licking/gnawing on his fingers/hands/fists and gags himself frequently. LOL! Preston is definitely a vocal one with all his "talking," "singing," and other delightful baby noises. He's incredibly ticklish and it's not hard to get a giggle out of him! He can spot me from a mile away and gets rather upset if I set him down and walk the other direction.
I'm so in love with this little boy!!! 

Gavin is all about his baby brother these days. He loves to be right in Preston's face and pile ample toys around Pres, just in case he gets bored. Some funny things Gav has said recently:
"I think Preston has cheese neck. Let's check." (referring to curdled milk stuck in the folds of his neck)
"Do you hear Presty's voice? He's sayin' he wants some of your milk!"
"I think Preston has cheese neck. Let's check." (referring to curdled milk stuck in the folds of his neck)
"Do you hear Presty's voice? He's sayin' he wants some of your milk!"
K, those buns are hilarious!
Congrats on the eye surgery, the calling & the healthy baby! Happy to see all is well for you guys!
He is so cute and it's fun to see how much fun your family is having. I like the laundry picture. I'll have to try that sometime. It's overwhelming sometimes huh? Glad to see you got it done, just in time to do it again I am sure! Good luck with Matt's calling...Lasik is on my want list too.
So fun!!! Preston and Shelby have some many things in common- I guess it's because they're both babies =) Great pics!
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