Preston turned 8 months old a week ago and I've been meaning to blog about it all week, but my GOOD camera is in the shop (for a cleaning and broken 18-55mm lens - boohoo!) and I been in denial about taking his monthly pic with my LITTLE camera. :/ But I guess it'll have to do!!

Preston is doing SO much these days!!! What a fun little stage! :)
* First of all, a diaper update. I know you're all dying to know!!! We finished off the gargantuan box of Huggies and I was about to buy an even more gargantuan box of Huggies from Costco but I just COULDN'T bring myself to do it!!! I mean that's some serious commitment! So I bought the smallest package of Pampers Cruisers at Target. We were doing a trial run to see if I could get back to using my beloved Pampers. I'm happy to say we survived!!! I didn't say he didn't have ANY blowouts, 'cause he did. But the Huggies didn't stop that either. So back to Pampers we are!
* Solid foods. I have a lot to say on the subject. I made all that homemade baby food, right? Right. For weeks, we worked our way through veggies then fruits. Then Preston started clamming up on me. He'd take two bites, then purse his lips together, not allowing the spoon to pass through. I was getting super frustrated because I'd put all this time and love into making all this food and now he was rejecting it. :( This is how most feeding sessions would end up, with food all over his face and dribbled down his bib --

Preston is doing SO much these days!!! What a fun little stage! :)
* First of all, a diaper update. I know you're all dying to know!!! We finished off the gargantuan box of Huggies and I was about to buy an even more gargantuan box of Huggies from Costco but I just COULDN'T bring myself to do it!!! I mean that's some serious commitment! So I bought the smallest package of Pampers Cruisers at Target. We were doing a trial run to see if I could get back to using my beloved Pampers. I'm happy to say we survived!!! I didn't say he didn't have ANY blowouts, 'cause he did. But the Huggies didn't stop that either. So back to Pampers we are!
* Solid foods. I have a lot to say on the subject. I made all that homemade baby food, right? Right. For weeks, we worked our way through veggies then fruits. Then Preston started clamming up on me. He'd take two bites, then purse his lips together, not allowing the spoon to pass through. I was getting super frustrated because I'd put all this time and love into making all this food and now he was rejecting it. :( This is how most feeding sessions would end up, with food all over his face and dribbled down his bib --
* FOUR teeth!! I still laugh to myself when I see those top two chompers! There's a huge gap between them!

* New skills: he's FULL of them!!!! We've got clapping, waving (sort of), rocking back and forth on hands and knees, going from laying on his tummy on the floor to sitting position, and SCOOTING!!! Oh my, I don't know what to do with a mobile baby!!! I'm praying that this boy doesn't give me a run for my money! *knock on wood* Gavin was easy and we never had to baby proof anything because he just didn't get into/destroy things. Of course we'll take the basic childproofing precautions, but I don't know if I'm ready for a baby that moves around!!
About to take off here....
(please ignore my awesome high-pitched voice. no wonder where my kids get it from!)
* Presty LOVES the bath/shower. He'd play all day in the tub if I'd let him! I've been bathing him in our huge bathtub in the master bathroom. He loves the freedom to splash as he pleases and frogger around in the water. Every once in awhile he gets a shower with Daddy and that's always exciting, of course.
Who's the baby??
Other random pics ~~
This is the mohawk. -->
This kid is happiest being plopped in front of the basket of toys to empty! -->
We're a 3 car fam. That Cav will be with us till the wheels fly off! It's been a good car. They are not in soccer. It was just a figure of speech from me. They played last year though. I hate that there aren't really any leagues and stuff out here. And if there are why we don't hear about them. Stupid Pinal county of the San Tan freaking Valley! I want my kids to do T-Ball, so when you do that again that me know. I never hear about anything! Hate it!
oh my heck, your boys are clones of each other! i love it. it was so fun seeing you the other night. i am glad you came, even if it was just for a little bit. i will have another one soon and i will let you know.
My favorite is that last pic!
I LOVE the gap between his two front teeth--he'll have plenty of room for his adult teeth--maybe he won't have to have braces!!
I think Ruby is done with the pureed baby food too...she just keeps spitting it and letting it run out of her mouth...she just LOVES those little rice puff things. I'll have to try some beans.
Did you make your own baby food? For reals? What kind did you make?
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