Friday, July 9, 2010

Grandma Adams

In Remembrance~Carol Adams
Feburary 14, 1928 - July 3, 2010

This has been a long time coming, as Grandma's health has been declining rapidly in the last year. Still, it's hard to say goodbye to someone we love here on Earth. We were able to be there, surrounded by family, for the viewing and funeral. This was an incredible teaching experience for our children, who have never had someone in their family pass away.We we took the kids in to see Grandma Adams body at the funeral home, they were full of questions, which I encouraged them to ask. Gavin said, "Is Grandma happy? Because it looks like she's smiling." When saying his goodbyes, Blake said, "I won't be able to see you on Earth, but I will in Heaven." He also mentioned that this was the perfect casket for Grandma because it had flowers on it. :) All the kids wanted to touch Grandma one last time, Gavin chose to touch her nose. Preston told Grandma, "Night night." Of course it was an emotional time, but we're glad Grandma is with her Father in Heaven again. I'm so grateful for our knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and that families can be together forever, even after this life.

The funeral was held at the beautiful Rock Church in Cedar City.
It was nice to see cousins that we haven't seen for awhile. We took a picture lined up from oldest to youngest for old-times sake -- Shawn, Cam, Clint, Shad, Ann, Shaylor, Jared, Monica, Derek, me, Shantel, Chelsie, Becky, Michele, Kristin, Brittney, Heston, Cody, Joshua (only five missing; Demeree, Deon, Jami, Melissa, Jeremy)
Things I remember most about my grandma:
Singing silly songs -- Mairzy Doats (Mares Eat Oats), There's No Such Thing as a Witch
BIG Vitamin Cs
Picking and eating peas and raspberries from the garden out back
Pancakes from the "magic skillet"
Foot rubs so good they hurt
Visiting in the summertime, playing in the gutter, Canyon Park
Birthday cards every year with $2 enclosed
Barking spiders (what she called toots)
Feeding every stray cat in the neighborhood
Hanging clothes/bedsheets on the clothesline
Bringing any dead plant back to life
Abundant flowers in front & back of house
Telling jokes, clipping interesting newspaper articles to share
Mending clothes
Quilts & blankets, handstitched and personalized
Garage sales were her favorite (this is the bumper sticker her car sports)
As a wedding gift from Grandpa & Grandpa Adams, we were offered money or a temple quilt. We chose the temple quilt and now I'm so grateful for that decision. We have our own priceless heirloom.She has made three of our kids lightweight cotton blankets with their names and birthdate embroidered.They still carry these blankets around to this day. Gavin calls his his QQ blanket. Don't know where that came from??? Brooklyn's has tears in it. They are well loved indeed.
This is MY baby quilt from Grandma Adams.
Pictures I have over the last few years....
August 2003
~4 generations~
May 2007
~4 generations~

June 2008~4 generations~

October 2009Preston meeting Grandma & Grandpa Adams for the 1st time
Lots of great memories were made at this home in Cedar City. I don't know that Grandpa will be living there next time we make it up to Utah.
*God be with you til we meet again, Grandma. We will miss you!!!*

1 comment:

Kristin said...

What a beautiful tribute! That was very sweet. Thanks for sharing!