Tuesday, we did a whole alphabet review. I decorated up my door to celebrate the occasion. :)
We practiced writing all the letters in the alphabet. 
Read the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, then did a project in conjunction with the book. I didn't get pictures of the process because I had to help so this didn't get too messy. You can't really tell behind the alpha foamies, but the trunk of the coconut tree was stamped with the kids' forearms, then the leaves are the kids' hands. 
We played a memory game with upper case and lower case letters. 

Snack consisted of homemade jumbo soft pretzels in the shape of each kiddo's initial. :)
Thursday, we had a water fun day. I set up a kiddie pool in the backyard, had the water table and a cute sprinkler for the kids to play with. 

And what would a water party be without water balloons??
Popsicles were a perfect treat to end the day.

This whole preschool experience has been pretty positive overall. I'm so glad that we participated with this group of mom's and kids. We've built good relationships with each other and the kids have become friends. I tend to stress myself out and get really worked up about the whole thing when it's my turn to teach, but it's been fun coming up with ways to teach the kids each time. I know Gavin has really enjoyed going to preschool and that has made it all worth it. :)