Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fathers & Sons 2011 ~ Matt's story

As this is my first post on the Blog I thought it was appropriate for it to be about Fathers and Sons. In the past I have wanted the boys to be out of diapers before going to Fathers and Sons, which has been 3 years old for Blake and Gavin. Preston on the other hand has done real well with his potty training and I took the gamble and brought him along as well(only a few accidents). It was nice to have the three of them with me. I brought Cody and Joshua which was a lot of fun and my dad came up Friday afternoon as well.

The last few years our ward had gone to a few different areas trying to find a camping place that is close, so as to not consume so much time and gas money, and also a place that is in the pines and cooler than the valley. When a few locations fell through I suggested the camp site next to the Palmer Cabin. Bishop Slade had been up there in January and loved the area. I am completely biased to the area because I grew up running around those hills and playing in the creek.

To make sure we reserved the campsite we left Thursday night. It was late and the kids were exhausted so they slept very well.(thanks to the 0 degree sleeping bags we had for the kids) I on the other hand was trying out a new backpacking sleeping bag. I am slightly claustrophobic and do not do well with small sleeping bags. In fact, I usually sleep in a gigantic one that would fill up my entire 65L backpack. This compact semi rectangular sleeping bag weighs less than 3 lbs and with a liner goes down to 25 degrees. I only had a few panic attacks from the claustrophobia the first night, but the second night was better. I realized I will need to remember my wool socks for the cold mornings and a beanie to keep my balding head warm.(When I sleep I start off extremely hot, but end up cold in the mornings.)

In the Backpacking theme I used an MSR Pocket Rocket stove to make breakfast. We had Eggs Sausage, Yogurt and Bananas. The kids are good eaters and even in the slightly cold weather they were ready to explore. Because Blake had his foot surgery earlier in the week he had to keep it "Clean and Dry." That is near impossible for an 8 year old while wearing a silly walking boot to do as he plays in the forest next to a creek littered with Crawdads. Fortunately he did fairly well and only got his toes wet once. Preston had enough room to roam, but he stayed by me most of the time. He was in heaven as were the rest of the boys! No one was asking to play the Wii or watch TV. The forest had plenty to entertain them.
We caught crawdads and threw rocks in the creek, but one thing the boys will probably remember the most was that we put together a wooden pocket knife kit. It is just a craft and useless as a knife, but it gave me the opportunity to teach them how to hold and use a knife in a safe manner. Blake, now that he is in Cub Scouts and getting his Bobcat, got his first knife. He had fun sharpening sticks. he can only have it when I am with him and giving him my undivided attention. He did well and I feel he will continue to earn more freedoms with using a knife soon.Heading up on Thursday night made Fathers and Sons a much more rich experience. We had some time to ourself, but the kids also enjoyed their friends as they came up later on Friday. We didn't have as good of a turn out this year from our ward and we suspect it is due to unemployment, under employment and gasoline prices that are about $3.70/gal.We were tired when we got home on Saturday. Preston was the most tired as he would wake up at 6:30 am and go to sleep at 9:30pm without a nap. It was a wonderful trip and I love the opportunity to develop close relationships with my kids.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Lindsay, sounds like your 'Men' had a good time! AND even better, you got some pictures! Wow! Cudos to Matt! My guy would've just lost the camera or never even have opened it... lol