Playing a bit of blog catch-up again....Our garden is up in full swing for the season!

We didn't plant as many plants this year because we always end up with crowding issues. We have strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes (early girls, romas and cherries), zucchini, green bell peppers, peas and cantaloupe. Planted a few watermelon plants but just like last year, they shriveled up! So bummed about that. :( We're already seeing good results and have picked lots of peas so far. Our first zucchini should be ready to come off the plant any day now!

Handful of peas picked a couple days ago. Preston and Gavin love eating them right off the vine!

Our blackberry plants have kinda vined out of control and it's hard to keep them tame, plus there is grass/weeds growing in the rocks where they are planted so it kinda looks like a mess. But we DO have lots of little berries on the plants!!

We've been talking about an idea for awhile and finally decided to bite the bullet and do it. We bought
ChIcKeNs to raise in our very own backyard!! Lately it seems like it has become a more popular thing to do around here and I love the idea of being able to get fresh eggs right out the back door. :)
We didn't tell the kids anything about this and took them a couple weekends ago to pick out our chicks and get all their necessities. We ended up with five fuzzy babies ~ Goldie (Preston's), Rosie (Blake's), Olivia (Gavin's), Matilda (Brooklyn's) and Maizy (mine).

Last weekend, Matt decided that he wanted a couple more of a different variety and he stopped by a feed store and picked up two more baby chickens and a baby TURKEY!!!! Oh my, was I a little peeved! haha! Matt told the kids straight away that this turkey would be our Thanksgiving dinner! We'll see how traumatizing THAT will be to their poor little souls! The turkey's name is Tiny, because he's huge in comparison to the chickens. ;) The other two new chicks are Brownie and Leopard.

Tiny the Turkey
All our "babies" in their home for now

The kids don't leave the poor things alone and want to hold them all the time!!! I think it'll be a good test at responsibility for them and I'm already getting anxious for the chickens to hurry up and lay eggs, although that won't be for another 4-5 months!! We're already looking at coop designs for when we can move them outside. I'm hoping that this will be a great experience for us! *fingers crossed*
What a fun idea! Good luck with that and definetly keep us posted. :)
Your gardens are awesome. I remember being so jealous of you last year. That might be half the reason I got my rear in gear this year. :) I want chickens so bad. That turkey thing makes me laugh. Ha ha, Matt's a funny guy.
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