I had a very vivid dream a month ago, where I saw a baby GIRL with dark hair (like Brooklyn and Preston had), curled up in on my chest and it felt so real. I just knew this baby was a GIRL. As time went on, I seriously started doubting myself. I mean, we've never had a baby GIRL alone, our only one came with a BOY. According to the heart rate old wives tale, it was a BOY. The Chinese gender prediction calendar said it was a BOY. Our last two babies have been BOYS so the odds are stacked against us. And I was pretty sure based on when we conceived, it would be a BOY. I Googled everything under the sun (embarrassing that I'm admitting this...), trying to find any info to support the fact that it *could* be a GIRL, but ultimately, I convinced myself this baby was definitely a BOY. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much for a GIRL, so I was just planning on it being a BOY unless I was told otherwise. Matt reminded me that we've had special experiences with all our previous children where we knew what they were going to be before we actually found out. He told me to have faith. You know, mother's intuition?
I was extremely anxious for our appointment. Matt was there with me and we got to see our sweet little baby, wiggling all over the place. I told my OB what my gut instinct was. He is lightning fast on getting that "money shot" and once he had it, he asked me, "What do you see there [between the legs]?" Matt said, "It's a BOY" and I said, "Nothing?" He smiled at me and went for high fives. "It's a GIRL." I couldn't stop smiling. I was so shocked that I was right afterall!!! Matt's X chromosomes finally came through, one last time! ;) Love you, babe!
This picture is pretty crappy, but I can assure you, we saw those parts, clear as day!

I feel her (that still sounds weird!) moving a lot now, every day. Matt can't wait til he can feel kicks from the outside. It's all finally starting to feel real. And as strange as this sounds, now that I know this baby is a GIRL, I think that'll help ease me into the realization that this is our last. I can't wait to finally meet her and hold her in my arms!! Right now, I'm on cloud nine! And Brooklyn can't wait to finally have a sister. ♥
I don't know how I got so far behind on your blog... maybe because you've been a maniac poster lately?? :)
Anyway... congrats on the girl. Yay! I'm excited for you and Brooklynn especially. Speaking of Brooklynn, she's got such long legs!
We moved Clara into a bed when she was potty trained (or a little after) for the same reason. I realized she couldn't get out easily if she needed to use the potty.
I want a Ding Dong tower. :)
Finally, you look fantastic!
Yeah! That is so exciting! There are so many cute baby girl clothes. Have fun shopping for her!
What a fun story! I wish I had something like like to share. I was just so dead wrong about Kamber I don't know if I can trust that feeling anymore. On the other hand she may have been a girl so I'd have to have 1 more cuz I know there's a boy waiting to come to us.
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