Up until this point, I have been adamant that Preston remain in his crib until this baby is born. He is an excellent sleeper, still takes 2-3 hour naps daily, and I absolutely don't want to mess with that. And I need downtime.
Well, since Preston is "potty trained," I felt guilty keeping him trapped in his crib if perhaps he did need to get up and go potty, because he won't climb out. The clincher was on Monday... he was napping, I was sifting through our office and cleaning out paper, listening to my iPod. When I got up and went out for a break, I heard him crying on the monitor and I could tell he'd been crying awhile. Oops! I hustled upstairs and he was completely soaking wet. :(
There has been a toddler bed set up in his room for months. It was time. We told him he could sleep in his little bed that night and we never heard a peep from him!! I was more hesitant to put him there for naptime because *I* didn't want to have to deal with him getting in and out of bed, requiring me to go up and down the stairs or lie down on his floor. But yesterday, I relented and he did fabulous!! He does wake up inSANEly early in the morning.... Now, I probably just jinxed myself for posting about THIS. I'm just praying that he continues to be a good boy. ;)
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