There are a lot of random things I've missed over the last couple months, so I'm gonna throw them all out here. :)
First and foremost, school supplies!! We did our shopping for supplies yesterday and it gets a little outta control with three kids in school! I dumped everything out on the floor and the kids took turns grabbing supplies on their turn to put in a paper bag to take to their new teachers. It was like Christmas up in here!!

Sometimes the kids just get along really well. Nothing more I love than hearing them giggle together. They were being goofy here so I took a pic!

For months, Brooklyn has been begging to get her hair cut. Her hair was so long, but I told her we have to at least wait until after her dance recital due to her hair needing to be long enough for a bun for ballet. She wanted it SHORT, as in just under her chin short, and Matt said no way. So this was a good compromise. She loves it!

Blake loves going to Cub Scouts. His awards are starting to roll in and I'm being a slacker scout mom in getting them put onto his shirt!

Sometimes Brooklyn & Blake are so sweet to each other. I caught this one at church about a month back. Brooklyn was tickling his back, cheek and hair. Nothing calms Blake faster!

This was from WAAAAAY back in April, taken on my phone, but I have to stick it in here!! Gavin seriously fell asleep sitting up in church! He must've had a rough night or something.

One night in June, I pulled ALL these tomatoes from our garden!!! 30 early girls, 14 romas and 208 cherries!! Out of control! Good thing we have neighbors to take some off our hands!
Your tomatoes look AWESOME. I can't hardly stand store bought tomatoes after months of home grown tomatoes.
You're looking lovely!
Glad you got away for a weekend. Sounds fun.
Matt was meant to be in the Bishopric. He's just too good. ;) My friend in our last Ward was pregnant with #5 when her husband got put into the Bishopric. That'd be tough, but you're tougher so you'll do great.
I'm not sure if my mouth started watering more when looking at the tomatoes or the school supplies! :) jk. I am a total nerd when it comes to school supply shopping and I'm looking long and hard for an excuse to go down those aisles!!
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