Sunday, October 9, 2011

Preggo Update

I'm 30 weeks today -- holy moly. Time is flying by fast!
Ultrasound last week confirmed it's still a GIRL! It's good to know all my shopping hasn't been in vain. ;)
{girly parts}{profile, looking up}{side view- ear, shoulder, elbow}{profile, with hand by mouth}
All these adorable baby girl clothes are piling up and I can't wait to do the girlie thing again!

Several weeks ago, I busted out all my bow making supplies and went to town making all sorts of bows for baby girl.
I bought my first pack of newborn diapers this week, which makes this feel a little more real.

Girls names have been FAR easier for us to discuss and agree on. I'm pretty sure we're set on a first name, just trying to solidify a middle name.

She kicks and rolls and sticks her little body parts out ALL the TIME. I love watching my belly move. I make Matt come feel her dancing around and he always laughs at how funny it feels. Imagine feeling that from the inside! She also gets the hiccups several times a day.

I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable, sitting, walking, sleeping, etc. My pelvic bone is really hurting a lot, which causes me to waddle and I'm not afraid to admit it!

Only 9 more weeks until we get to meet this little lady!! We're so excited!!!

Grow, baby, grow!!

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