Blake and Gavin ready to escape through the trap Matt set this year!! Down at the bottom left is a door chime/alarm that sounds loudly when the two pieces are separated! Preston was the only one that made it go off!
Waiting patiently to come down...

Santa came!!! He brought a purple Bumbo chair for Hayden, Duplo Legos for Preston and Nintendo DSi's and a game each for Brooklyn, Blake & Gavin! Also Legos and the Lego Idea book for the kids, a pressure canner for me and a playground ball for Matt. ;)

Brooklyn and Blake were so SO excited!! They've been begging for a DS for YEARS!!

Preston has really been wanting his OWN Legos
Everybody loved their gifts!
Blake really wanted this Hexbug Hive.

Brooklyn LOVES books like this!!
Gavin was excited to have his own, giant remote control Hummer!
Preston's favorite gift, Smokey the Firetruck. He moves and talks and shoots balls.
Hayden got a couple gifts~

Matt & I were
supposed to only do one gift because we had recently purchased the new washer and dryer, ordered a new recliner for the family room
(old one is in our room for night-time feedings) AND I just gave him a cute, brand new baby.... remember?

I got Matt the complete set of Eragon books, including the newest one that came out last month.

Matt got me Photoshop Lightroom (for me for him) and a new iPod nano with double the space of my last one. :) The kids helped wrap my gifts and they put them inside a box inside another box inside another box inside another box inside another box inside another box. They thought it was hysterical each time I unwrapped to find ANOTHER box!!

Our five, incredible blessings. ♥♥♥♥♥

The four big kids, all dressed and ready for church. I got to stay home and snuggle my baby girl!

When Matt got home from church, we headed over to his parents' house to exchange gifts with siblings and the little cousins. Hayden got a doll from grandma & grandpa that is almost as big as she is!!

Hayden & her cousin, Samuel, who is two months older than her :)

We stopped by Grandpa & Grandma LeBaron's real quick so they could meet baby Hayden.
This is the quilt grandma made for Hayden.

Then we moved on to my parents' house for Christmas dinner and more gifts. My parents love going out on date nights so we gave them gift cards for dinner and a movie, along with a box of See's candy- YUM!
The best/funniest gift was this fruit leather we gave Heston. He always is stealing fruit leather out of my pantry any time they come over!!! I can't believe he's going to be 18 in just a couple weeks!!!!

We stayed waaaaaayyyy late in the night and were practically delirious by the time we left. It's so nice that all of BOTH our families are nearby and that we can spend the holidays with them. I'm so grateful for the birth of our Savior and that we can be with our families forever because of Him. Merry Christmas!