Hayden Claire Palmer
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
7 lbs. 15 oz. 19 in.
Last pregnant belly shot, 3:30am - ready to head to the hospital for our c-section
There she is!
Mommy meeting baby for first time

Everything went smoothly with the surgery. I actually had more issues during prep with getting the IV placed and blood drawn; the nurse was having serious issues. I started feeling sweaty and like I might throw up and Matt said the color had drained from my face. By the time we walked in for the c-section, I felt pretty calm and was so excited to finally meet our baby girl! She had such a cute little high-pitched cry and chubby cheeks! I was surprised she wasn't bigger than she was. I felt pretty good in recovery and thought that maybe I'd manage to avoid the nausea issues I have after every c-section. But that whole first day, any time the hospital bed moved or I tried to drink something, I got dizzy or threw up. Matt was able to stay with me for a good majority of the day until he went to pick up the kids. We had lots of visitors throughout our hospital stay.
Grandpa & Grandma Hamilton were the first to hold baby Hayden

The kids were sooooo excited to see their new baby sister! Brooklyn had a perma-grin the whole time she was holding Hayden.
Blake was so sweet and gentle

Gavin loves his baby sister so much!
Preston immediately embraced his role as big brother. He was so enamored by her!!!
Proud daddy

Our family of SEVEN!!

Grandpa & Grandma Palmer

Sweet baby Hayden
Eyes open, checking out her new world
Precious, dainty features ~ button nose, perfect little lips

Me & my FIVE kids!!
(Gavin is thrilled)
Pretty girl~

All dressed and ready to go home from the hospital

I think I said out loud a couple of times, "it's so nice not to be pregnant anymore...." It was weird to hear myself say that because I was actually feeling pretty dang good those last couple weeks for being so pregnant! The rest of the stay was mostly pleasant. I battled with a headache off and on for the last two days and wasn't feeling too hot when we were discharged, but I was ready to go home. The aide wheeled me out to the car and as we were getting loaded up, I told Matt I felt like I was going to throw up and needed something to puke in. All he could find at the moment was a empty Happy Meal box. I promptly threw up once, then twice and the bottom of the box gave way, splashing barf all over the ground and my feet, right in front of the hospital. Embarrassing. Did I mention the kids were fighting at this very moment??! Not exactly the way I pictured our first car ride with our new addition. Then I got sick again on the way home, in a Ziploc bag this time, thankfully. Let me tell you how pleasant it is to use ALL those stomach muscles when you've just had surgery in that region -- NOT. I felt pretty lousy the rest of the day but just rested as much as I could and felt much better the next morning.
Hayden has been a great baby so far and we're so glad to finally have her here! Nursing is going splendidly and we're getting nicely settled here at home. Big sister and brothers adore her!! We're so in love with our precious little lady!
She looks great, and I LOVE her name. Congrats!
After I left that last comment, I realized you have c-sections so it was not a surprise when you had her. :) But still, it's so fun to see more pictures of her and I'm so excited for Brooklyn to have a sister. Does she look like Preston or is that my imagination? 5 seems like so many kids. Wow! Ha ha. And one last thought, families like yours are "perfect" in the sense that everyone has at least one brother and one sister. Ta da! Hope to see you Wednesday!
I'm so sorry you were sick! That's not cool at all. Glad you guys doing good!
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