Just some funny things Preston has said and done over the last little bit.... I can't believe he's almost 3 years old!!
He says to me, "Mom, you can call me Prestido!" like he's giving me permission even though that's a nickname that we've called him forever.
The other day, he made some smart comment and I said, "Where did you come from?" He quipped, "From upstairs!" LOL!
Sometimes when I hand him something, I'll say, "Here you go, sir!" and he'll say, "I'm NOT a sir!!!"
Every day when I lay him down for a nap, we read a story then I tell him to have a good nap and he always says, "Not a bad nap?"
He's still the king of nekkidness. He'll go to the bathroom on his own, then just not put anything back on his bottom. Sometimes he runs around for hours with just a shirt on. If I'm lucky, he'll just have his unders on and nothing else!
The kids like to watch the Pixar Shorts movie and when it comes to the film Jack Jack Attack (Incredibles), Preston immediately starts crying when he hears the music!!! For some reason, this little ball of fire-y baby freaks him out?! LOL!

The other day, he had an encounter with Scarlett where he scared her and she nipped at him. It freaked him out and once I explained that the dog doesn't like that and had him apologize to her, I rock-a-byed him. Not easy to do anymore with a huge 'ole belly!
When I ask him what the baby's name is going to be, he answers, "Baby sister freecoke." No idea where that came from!!!!
I make huge batches of homemade pancakes to freeze because that's a favorite for breakfast before school. Preston, however, does NOT like them warmed up, he eats them straight frozen! Crazy kid!
Most days when we pick Gavin up from morning kindergarten, Preston gloats, "We went somewhere fun!" Usually it's just an ordinary errand like the grocery store (today) or Target and WalMart (yesterday), sometimes it's story time at the library (which we've been enjoying weekly while he's my one and only for a few hours!) but it sure gets Gavin all riled up and he knows it!
Lately we've been having naptime and bedtime issues with Preston. I hate this naptime limbo stage at the age where they try to give up napping, but still really need it, then end up falling asleep in the late afternoon, then that interferes with bedtime. See Exhibit A:
I sure love my little Presty-boy. He's so inquisitive and talks all. day. long. He seems so much older than he really is, yet still my little baby boy. I hope the transition to big brother status goes smoothly! :crossfingers:
She needs another bed in her room! Cute!
I forced Clara to take a nap until she was four... and even then I still required it several times a week for the next 6 months. That last pic of Brooklyn is so cute. Ha ha.
Congratulations! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear about the birth.
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