Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hayden, 4 months

Someone was not entirely cooperative during our monthly photo shoot.  Starting to see a little drama queen coming out here... haha
I swear, I blinked and now my baby, who was just born, is FOUR months old!! She is such an easy baby! One day last week, she was a teensy bit fussy and I was like, what in the world is wrong with my baby?!!! I had to rock her to sleep, then I got to snuggle and stare at my precious sleeping beauty.Gavin doesn't hold Hayden much, but he loves her and is so sweet to her.
Tummy time for a spitter-upper = barfy face!

Matt gets a kick out of the bloomers on the head

Just a tummy time photoshoot ---  you can totally see the skin tag on her neck here

She chews on her thumb a LOT. I keep wondering if she'll eventually start sucking on it... we'll see!
She also always has her feet in the air. ^^^ She grabs and holds her feet/toes lots.

She has evolved! Hayden now is a half swaddled baby. No more trapping the arms, but she seems to sleep more securely if she's still wrapped up on the bottom half. Probably will transition to sleep sacks soon?
She has discovered her mouth. Her tongue is constantly going, she blows raspberries and slobber bubbles. And she GROWLS. So cute!! This is a creepy looking, awful picture I took with my phone, but it shows exactly what she did over and over again once she realized she had a tongue! teehee

Her sleeping has become pretty scheduled, which is fabulous.  She sleeps all naps in her crib now and all I have to do is [half] swaddle her up, give her her binky (which she usually chews on then spits out), give her a blanket to hold, turn on her "fishies" and she goes to sleep.  She usually takes 3 solid naps a day, but is not sleeping through the night.  I cannot figure out rhyme or reason to her nighttime waking.  It's so sporadic, and it's killing me!  Once she gets into her own room, we'll work on that.

4 month stats --

13lbs 14oz
17.25in ~ this is the 99th percentile!! Obviously keeping the tradition of big noggin children!

She's definitely more petite than the last two boys were.
I find myself frequently thanking Heavenly Father out loud for sending us this beautiful baby girl! 

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