Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hayden is 9 months old!!

Hayden is pulling up on E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.  She's got bumps and bruises on her forehead to prove it! 
She has discovered the stairs and has made her way up a few.  We're all trying to get back in the habit of closing the gate when we go up or come down!  And she gets stuck in the weirdest places.

 She started clapping and it's so adorable to see her slap those chubby hands together!

And she's full on real crawling now.  No more army crawl.  It was cute while it lasted! 
 Hayden has mastered the straw sippy and loves Gerber puffs.
 She looked a bit like an oompa-loompa after eating carrots for dinner one night.
 This was her very first ride on a carousel at Superstition Springs mall.  She loved it!
Britt and her dog, Scarlett, are still living with us.  Hayden loves Scarlett and thankfully Scarlett is tolerant of Hayden's curiosity.
Once again, Preston being such a good older brother, stamping up his baby sister with purple dinos.  All up her arms and the underside of her leg.  Pffft!

Hayden was born with a skin tag about the size of a pencil eraser on her neck.  Lately, people have actually been telling me she has a Cheerio or something stuck in her neck!  We talked to a pediatric plastic surgeon about getting it removed and he said it would be a simple surgery but would require that she be put under general anesthesia.  Matt wasn't too keen on that idea, plus we pay out of pocket up to our deductible for medical expenses and we didn't have an extra $2500 just lying around, so Matt talked to the ocular plastics doctor at his work about taking it off.  We came in to his work, she looked at it and said she could cut it off right there.  I stayed in another room while Matt held her and the doctor snipped the little nubbin off.
Two weeks later
And one last picture....  Matt was on tv yesterday and when he came on the screen and Hayden heard his voice, she looked at the tv, then she looked at me, then back to the tv, then back at me like, "That's daddy, but it's not daddy."  haha!  Here she is watching him talk all about Sight Day. :)

9 month stats~
Weight: 17 lbs 6 oz (34th %ile)
Length: 27.75 in (52nd %ile)
Head: 14.5 in (96 %ile)

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