Thursday, September 20, 2012

Other RaNdOmS

One morning, right at the end of August, I got a call from Matt, shortly after his workday should have started.  He calmly told me that he wasn't at work yet, that he had been involved in a car accident, but was ok.  He was rear-ended in one of those chain reaction scenarios, him being the 3rd of 4 cars involved.  I'm so glad that he wasn't seriously injured, but his poor brand new car. :(

Matt has been dying to take the kids to Organ Stop Pizza, so on Labor Day we headed up to Mesa for a little dinnertime fun.  The kids were absolutely mesmerized (after Preston freaked out because it was so loud) and we enjoyed listening to the music while eating mediocre, overpriced pizza.  One of our  requests was actually played - Star Wars!

Brooklyn got stung by scorpion in the house.  She cried and I'm sure it hurt, but it must've just got her barely because by the end of the day, she said it felt fine.  Matt was on an overnight campout with the deacons so *I* had to be Supermom and save all my children from this nasty devil!  I put on my brave face and smashed the scorpion and flushed it down the toilet.  These things give me the heebie-jeebies!

Blake finished the 7th Harry Potter book, which means he read the whole series (4100 pages) in less than 2 months!!  I was afraid he might actually have withdrawals when he finished.  Naturally, we went out for ice cream to celebrate. :)  Blake has now moved on to the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series (15 books, I think?).

Since turning 30, it appears my body is going through a crisis.  I found my first patch of gray hairs and my face is a complete mess of pimples.  Never in my life has it been this bad, not even as a teen!  It's rather embarrassing because I don't even own any face makeup to cover it up.

I love hearing the kids play the piano, especially when they sit down to practice unprompted.

I {love} Preston

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

I hate scorpions too. I found one the other night when Jason was gone and I have to prepare myself mentally to kill it. Luckily I was braver than the last time and killed it without screaming and jumping up and down. :)

What a fun weekend (previous post!).

I'm pretty sure I have a cook book with a recipe from a Connie Bluth. Common name?