Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gilbert Temple Open House

In April 2008 General Conference, President Monson announced there would be a temple built in Gilbert Arizona.  In November 2010, ground was broken to begin construction on the temple.  For two years, as we have driven by, we've watched as the structure took shape, anxiously awaiting when it  would finally be open.

The open house began last month, the time where ANYone is able to tour the temple before it's dedicated.  We were able to take a large group(22) of Matt's coworkers, none of them members of our faith, through the temple, which was a wonderful experience.  Of course they were in awe of the exquisite nature of the temple, but they also noticed the peace and reverence that is felt inside.

On January 30, we pulled the kids out of school for the morning and took them through the temple tour.  I'm glad Matt and I had been once before so we could focus on pointing out things to them and answering any questions they may have.

We also had the opportunity to take our next door neighbors, who are also not members, but have been extremely open to us sharing our love for the gospel with them.
{Mike & Gina Hernandez}
These two little rascals got to come with!

This temple is so important because it's OUR temple.  We live within the temple district.  This is the temple that our children will go for the first time to do baptisms for the dead, receive their own endowments, marry their chosen spouse for eternity (possibly).

It is so important to me that my children know how much I love the temple.  The peace you feel there is beyond comparison; you can't find that anywhere else.  Matt and I need to get back into the habit of attending frequently.  I can't wait to come back, after it is dedicated!  It truly is such a blessing to have the temple so close to us, a beautiful oasis in the desert.

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