Thursday, May 21, 2015

LAST day of SCHOOL!!

We've FINALLY arrived, the most WONDERFUL time of the YEAR!!!!  Not Christmas, SUMMER!!  No more early mornings, no more fighting to get homework done, no more book reports, no more packing lunches.  I'm not sure who's more excited, the kids or me!!

I helped out with Preston's class party, the room mom really went above and beyond!!  They had watermelon triangles on sticks, goldfish crackers, gorgeous cupcakes and Capri Suns!
Every student signed their name on each t-shirt that they got to take home as their "souvenir" from kindergarten.

Lucky girl Hayden got her own plate of goodies too!
With Mrs. Sommer

Brooklyn with her teacher, Ms. Braxton.  Her teacher loved Brooklyn and was constantly telling me she wished she could clone a bunch of Brooklyn's for her class!

Blake's teacher, Mrs. Griffiths, had a baby at the very beginning of April so Mrs. Davis (pictured) was the substitute teacher for the rest of the school year.  I was actually kinda sad that Mrs. Griffiths wasn't there through the end of the year!  She was the perfect teacher for Blake, very patient with him, reminding him to stay on task and great at communicating with us.

Gavin loved his teacher, Mrs. Lesko, this year.  They just really meshed well and of course she absolutely loved Gavin!

Beginning of school year,

End of school year!
A little bit older, a little bit wiser.  
Gavin seemed to make some gains on his older siblings!

Bring on SUMMER!  We're so ready!

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