Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Preston's kindergarten graduation~

I'm kinda "eh" on the fact that our school does a formal graduation ceremony for KINDERGARTEN, but once you see your child in that miniature cap and gown, all that ambivalence just kinda flies right out the window!

Everyone there to support Preston on his big day (just missing Grandpa, who snuck in later).  It was nice they let us grab big sibs from their classrooms for the occasion.

I love the look of excitement on his face here! 

There he is, on the left side

Getting his "diploma" from the principal, Mrs. Wilson 

Grandpa & Grandma
She adores him ♡
It'll be fun to do a then & now when these two graduate high school in 12 years!
Ashton & Preston
Luckily aunt Britt was in town!
Proud mama
Thank you to his most awesome teacher, Mrs. Sommer, for making Preston's first school experience a positive one!  I loved helping in the classroom this year and watching her genius interactions with the kids and all the cute things she'd say like, "Give your brain a kiss!"

Preston, you've taken your first steps down the path.  You've learned a LOT this year!  You are an excellent reader, you're quick on your math facts and you say you're definitely the smartest one in your class.  I hope you keep this confidence with you as the lessons get more complex and you learn new concepts in the coming years.  We're so proud of you for doing such an excellent job in school this year.  Love you!

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