GOOD :)We have TWO bathrooms!!!! Both bathrooms have these massive Roman tubs, which the kids love bathing in because there is enough room for all three of them! Rub-a-dub-dub!!

BAD :(While it's nice to have my own laundry room, it's NOT nice that I have to run the dryer two or three times to get the clothes dry!!
GOOD :)The kids' bedroom is hugemongous (I think I made that word up!), with plenty of floor space to play! They also have a large walk-in closet that I love! Please ignore the boxes and un-decorated-ness.

A few more
GOODS :)New carpet, new paint, 9+ foot ceilings, our own "backyard" (Haha! patio) as the kids call it, and a little playground in the middle of our complex!! No fun pics of these at the moment, but I'll see if I can get a couple added soon.
And the final
BAD :( The dishwasher!!! To make a long story short, our first dishwasher was leaking underneath and consequently, soaking the carpet in the hallway behind the kitchen wall! Eek!! Repairman comes, finally figures it IS the dishwasher causing the leaking (DUH!! Didn't I tell you that?!) and brings in a new dishwasher. Ok, my first dishwasher was already painfully small. Mr. Repair Guy tells me that the top rack in this new dishwasher is really small, BUT it IS a new dishwasher!! :) I'm thinking, how can this one be smaller than the last?? OH!!! WHO has EVER seen the top rack of a dishwasher looking like THIS?!???!?

You can't fit jack poop on this! What happened to the other half?? You can't put anything back there taller than the tiny half-side because the top of the actual dishwasher drops down in the back! Seriously, whoever came up with this design should be FIRED! I'll deal with it, but I have to run the dishwasher twice in a row, just to be able to wash all our top-rack dishwasher items! Hmmm, sounds mysteriously like another appliance in this house! ;)
Seriously, though. Our apartment is great and suits our needs just fine right now. We're still in the process of unpacking and finding places for all this junk, *ahem*, stuff we have. The walls are still bare, but we'll get around to decorating soon. Since we're in a new place, I feel the need for all new decor! ;) Too bad we don't have a JOB yet! We went to our new ward for the first time last week (baby blessing week 1, sick kids week 2) and I think we'll really enjoy being here for the time being.