Friday, November 16, 2007

Adventures in Organic Shopping

or otherwise titled
"Why These Three Stores Will Save My Sanity"




In the last week, the kids and I have browsed each of these stores, looking for food items (specifically snacks) without corn starch or corn syrup. Thankfully, we've been successful at finding replacements for several of the snacks Blake enjoys. Most meals I make, it's easy to steer clear of corn if I don't use prepackaged products. I never thought I'd have so much organic food in my pantry and fridge! We have organic cereal, instant oatmeal, spaghetti sauce, salad dressing, granola bars, cereal bars, animal crackers, fruit leather, vanilla wafers, peanut butter crackers, "Teddy Grahams," pretzels, applesauce and yogurt.

Blake is really getting into this whole not-eating-corn-syrup deal. It's gotten quite hilarious, actually! Before eating something, Blake asks, "Does this have corn syrup in it?" At Whole Foods today, he hands me a box and says, "We have to read the ingredients on the back, Mom!" If he asks for something that he normally would eat "back then" that is questionable, all I have to say is, "Sorry, it has corn syrup in it," and he's fine! I was imagining tantrums and fits about not being able to eat certain things, but he's handling it incredibly well. The funniest part of the day was as we set foot in Whole Foods, Brooklyn announces loudly, "It stinks in here!" LOL!

And in good news, Blake's second test for Celiac disease came back negative. The first one was also barely positive. The only way to rule it out for certain is to have a biopsy of the small intestine. At this point, I don't think it's necessary, but we'll certainly keep that in the back of our minds and watch for signs in the future.


The Smith's said...

That is great news. Hopefully that takes care of any issues that he has been having so you dont have to have the biopsy or cut out any other foods.

Weston & Jennie said...

I was thinking about you and this today and was going to call you before all the craziness started. Obviously it didn't happen which means the craziness did. I am so glad to hear that it was negative. I need to know if you are on the same time as Utah or California right now.

mad white woman said...

wewsh! what a relief. maybe he'll grow out of the corn allergies and if so, just think how healthy he'll be! :) none of us should be eating as much of that junk as we do. oh, and i'm like 99.9% sure i'm not prego, ya know, the same level of effectiveness of bc. HA!

Trenda said...

From things I've read corn syrup is actually really bad for everyone, even if your not alergic to corn, so this will probably be a great change for your whole family! That's great that he is cooperating so well. So, they have a Trader Joes there? I miss it!!

Carrie Anne said...

Yeah for you! Costco has started carrying a lot of organic things, too. I know each store is different, but I've gotten a huge box of those fruit leathers, these fruit rolls called FrutaBu which are a fun fruit leather, lots of organic cereals, milks, etc. I know you're not going totally organic, but sometimes you can get great deals at the good old Costco! I've been pleasantly surprised this past month! I'm glad to hear that test was negative...he is such a cute little boy! Trenda is right, corn syrup reacts with something in our brains that tells us we're not satisfied even if we are which is why obese people have a hard time stopping at one candy bar, etc. Dr. Oz talked about that one. And it's also addictive. Having said that, I still eat it way too much!:) Can't give up the treats as easily.:) And I love Brooklyn's comment about it stinking. That is awesome! Happy Thanksgiving!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Great to hear! Allergies can be such a pain. Good thing he's being such a trooper about it!

Becky Mutter said...

I totally empathize! My Albertson's has a huge organic foods aisle. I always thought it was lame to buy the super expensive stuff from those rows. But, with allergy-prone kids, we HAVE to! We've even found substitute organic Oreos that Tyler can eat - still not healthy, but sometimes you just have to have something FUN :). I am so glad you've figured Blake out and that he's okay.
Isn't it funny what kids will say really loudly in the middle of the store?! Tyler will point out all of the foods that give him diarrhea REALLY loudly! I am to the point where it mostly doesn't embarrass me anymore. I wonder what that means?
Anyway, good luck with all of the allergy stuff. The next challenge: When they go to preschool or school and someone gives them something they shouldn't eat!