Friday, we spent a good majority of the day riding quads. I never have really ridden quads except when Matt and I were engaged and we went to Mexico for Spring Break. Taylor and his family brought up quads, a Jeep, a buggy and a Rhino. The kids absolutely loved riding! And I mean LOVED it!!!! Anyone that took Brooklyn for a ride came back saying all she told them to do was go faster!! LOL! Gavin simply wouldn't get off the quad without pitching a massive fit! Blake was just happy to go with whoever would take him. I really enjoyed riding the quads, although I didn't get too adventurous over any hills or drive at breakneck speeds. I left that to the crazies! Matt even took the opportunity to teach me how to drive a stick-shift in the buggy! I feel like such an accomplished woman!! :) Some pictures - ok, a LOT of pictures!
Matt's great picture of the trip! Lots of wildlife!
My bean wearing a beanie
Brooklyn all bundled up!
Ready to ride with Grandpa (my dad)
Blake buckled up in the Rhino
Brooklyn with Taylor in the buggy
Who is that masked man with my baby?? ;)
This is what happens when you try to take Gavin off the quad!
Becky and I about to take off
I love this picture of Dalton (nephew, front) and Joshua (brother, back)!
Tada! Here I am!!
Blake's turn with Taylor!
Brooklyn and Mommy! See? I told you she couldn't get enough!!
Becky and her wild hubby!! Yeehaw!
That looks like so much fun! My brothers do that for Thankgiving too. I stay home and SHOP! Glad you guys are enjoying Arizona.
Cold or not, it still looks like you enjoyed yourselves. I haven't been on a quad in a while. Sad, Weston's dad has a couple we just never seem to make it out. The girls love it too. See you soon!
looks like fun! i had to laugh wondering, does lindsey really like the fact that it's cold or that wearing mittens or gloves makes it harder to take pictures? lol. what's your bro-in-law's name? jason has lots of family in springerville.
What great pictures! Looks like so much fun. I loved your outfits for your kiddies for Thanksgiving. I'm jealous you are in AZ!!
I'm going to post this message on everyone's blog...
We need to have a get together in AZ. I was thinking of making chicken chilli and having everyone over for dinner at my parents place...either the Sunday or Monday before Christmas or sometime after Christmas...everyone can bring a treat to share and I'll provide all the rest. What time is best for everyone? Could someone contact Trevors and Ronni? We are calling it the "Ugly sweater Christmas Party" so find an ugly sweater and wear it! It will be fun!
Looks fun! Someday when you guys have your own toys like that, you'll have to invite us to Arizona to join in!!
AWESOME! I miss 4-wheeling! We only get to do it when we go to utah. It is so much fun. Your pics are cute! Glad ya'll had a good Thanksgiving!
TONS OF FUN! I am jealous! Glad you had a good time.
What a fun weekend for you! Those kids are so dang cute, Lindsay! I miss them and the little kids playing. I'm glad you're enjoying AZ so much.:)
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