Saturday, November 10, 2007

Be-Mean-To-Your-Family Day

Did anyone else know that it was a holiday today? Well at least it seemed like this "holiday" at our house today!!!!!!!!

We're having some issues here. And most of them seem to start with Blake. His behavior has been off the wall, out of control. He hits his siblings for no reason. I'm beginning to think his ears must be broken because he just doesn't listen. I started teasing him this morning, asking if it was be-mean-to-your-family day today. Every time he started up with something else, I reminded him that it was this special holiday and that we were supposed to be mean to our families. He kept telling me, "No, mom, families are supposed to be NICE to each other!" Then I explained that he needed to SHOW me that he was going to be nice, not just TELL me.

The icing on the cake for the day:

In the car on the way home from running errands tonight, he was having problems. Blake's carseat sits in between Brooklyn's and Gavin's. First he was slapping Gavin's leg for who knows what reason. Then he reaches over the other side and whacks Brooklyn! Matt warned him that if we had to tell him to keep his hands or feet to himself one more time, that he was going in the back (third row) by himself. Just seconds later, he did something else (I can't even remember what!!!) and Matt veered off the road into a Checker Auto Parts parking lot. I proceeded to un-install Brooklyn and Blake's carseats, move Blake's to the back seat and put Brooklyn's back in the second row. I lifted Blake back into his carseat and he started screaming, "I DON'T WANT TO SIT IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!," full-throttle, like give-you-a-headache type of screaming. This ranting went on for probably 10 minutes before he calmed down enough for Matt and I to explain to him that this was his consequence for not leaving Brooklyn and Gavin alone. He was pretty upset! We told him that if he made the rest of the ride home in silence that we'd move his carseat back up to the second row with his brother and sister, but if he does it again, he'll be back there ALONE permanently. Hopefully he'll get it through his head that he cannot act like this!!!

I've been losing my patience, yelling at the kids WAY more than I should be since this move. I know we're all still trying to adjust, but it's been much more difficult that I anticipated. I don't want to be a mean mom, but I feel like I just can't get it together. The kids have been super needy, which I'm not used to. They've always been so good to play on their own, but it's constantly, "I need this, I want this, can you play with me, can you read to me," and I AM doing those things with them, I just need more than a few minutes to myself every once in awhile!! It's my goal to do better this week.

Okay, vent over. Off to watch Evan Almighty with my honey!


The Smith's said...

Sounds like you have had a great week. Hope next week gets better.

The Smith's said...

Sounds like you have had a great week. Hope next week gets better.

Weston & Jennie said...

Sounds about like our house only I had a harder time controlling myself when we moved back to California. I don't know why, but this move hasn't been as bad. I hope that doesn't mean that I am actually getting use to it and could make a habit of it. Only 2 more to go, but whos counting!?! I am sorry though. It really is hard. Did you like the show? Weston and I watched it and thought that it was pretty funny it parts. Miss you!

Trenda said...

My kids are having issues too! Cade has totally digressed in potty training, and Ambree is not sleeping well. It is 11:06 right now and she is awake! I put her down at 7:00pm (her normal bedtime), and she decided to wake up at 10:00pm. She is running around and laughing, etc., etc. I would normally just let her cry it out, but it's hard to do that when we are living with family and it's this late at night! Good luck!

Jamie said...

IT's always so nice to hear other moms vent!!! I love the holiday you made up though, I might just have to try that on my kids!!! Not to scare you or anything, but I swear your life doesn't seem normal until after graduation and you are settled permenantly! Wait, is our life normal ever!?!? I'm sorry! Rotations kind of suck in a way, well a few ways! You are almost there though!

Underwood's in Cali said...

you are too funny. hey why didn't you go to utah with everyone else :) j/k I'm glad you made it to az. don't you hate moving? we just moved this past weekend and now i am cleaning my old place and well that's not fun?

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Doesn't sound like much fun, but hooray for changing the car seats out. It's never easy when giving a kid consequences equates to a pain in the butt hassle for you. Well done!

Michelle said...

Hang in there! Your kids are just proving that moving is not easy for ANYONE!!! I hate moving myself. If it helps, we have had a rough week too, maybe it's just something in the air covering the western part of the US!! Ha, ha! Hope things get better.

Carrie Anne said...

I think it was "be mean to your family holiday" at our house today. I enjoyed this knowing that it's so similar to my life!:) Baby James has gotten into hitting/punching whoever makes him mad...won't come to me and ask for help but just unloads on Bee. And he threatens her with, "If you don't do this or that, I'm going to hit you!" It's kinda funny but gets super annoying, I know! It's probably mostly due to your move...I think it affects the kids more than we realize and ourselves for that matter. You just have these changes going on, and everyone has to adjust...something you have to go through to get know what I mean? Know that it won't last forever and you're doing great! Everyone will get to normal soon! Keep up the good work!!:)

Jenna said...

What is life as a mother without something going crazy?! You're lucky that your kids usually keep to themselves more...mine are just now emerging from needing to be right at my side with me constantly!!! Good luck!

summer c said...

Oh the horrible joys of moving! Hunter really struggled when we moved for our 3rd rotation. for 7 or 8 months jon only came home on the weekends and Hunter just hated it. I was totally losing my mind and sanity. But you get through it and pass on to another, more "normal" phase in life :) Hang in there and pray really hard:)

Becky Mutter said...

I love that we all have days like this. I mean, not that I love that YOU had a rough time. But, that it's NORMAL for ALL of us! I haven't even moved for like 10 years and my kids will go through this a couple of times a year. They just did a couple of weeks ago. I think they pick up on parental stress and then go nutso to make it worse! I haven't posted it yet, but I've got a blog in the works entitiled, "My Nervous Breakdown." It involves a day just like yours! I know it doesn't help, but hang in there and know that it's NORMAL. My new mantra has become "This too shall pass!" :)