Thursday, November 8, 2007

Goodbye, Hello!

We've arrived in Arizona, safe and sound! It's only been a week, but somehow, it already feels like it's been a LOT longer than that. We're getting settled into our new apartment, but there are still boxes everywhere! I'm about ready to just throw them all into the dumpster!!! We got rid of four big pieces of furniture prior to our move so we just need to find new places to house the "stuff" that resided upon those pieces of furniture. This would mean shopping for a new computer desk, bookshelf and a BED for Matt and I!!! Hooray for shopping!

In true Lindsay fashion, here's a photo journal of our last couple days in California:

Here's just a smidgen of the load!!
The 24 foot trailer I was afraid would be too small! HA! We had ample amount of space to fill and no, we didn't fill it all!
My sister, Becky, and her husband came out to California to help us move. We offered to pay the gas if they brought the trailer! I seriously don't think we (or should I say I!) would have survived the move had they not been there to help us! The packing, the cleaning - they were SO much help! Thanks a million, guys!! Also a BIG thank you to Jessica Mortensen and Lisa Smith for helping watch the kids for a bit in those last days before the move.

Blake meeting his new cousin Lexi
Brooklyn's turn! Notice Lexi's little painted fingernails!!
Becky gave her a pedicure while she was sleeping! Haha!
Even though we were packing up on Halloween Day, Jennie and I decided to take the kids out Trick-or-Treating that night, just up and down the street. It got all our minds off of packing for a bit!
Sydney and Brooklyn, matching Sleeping Beauties!
Macey and Gavin share a rideSorry Blake! I guess I didn't get any pictures of him on Halloween night!


Breaking child labor laws - J/K! What a good helper!
Saying our last goodbyes to our CA apartmentThe awesome freeway sign for Matt's school!!!
(Check out the trash on the side of the road! Ghetto!)

This is a billboard on the I-10 East out of California. Matt and I just say, "Psssst!" anytime we see these signs for Gentleman's clubs! LOL! There are SO many of them along this stretch!The ugliest, most unflattering picture of Matt and I, but hey, that's what moving and going a couple days without showering will do to you!!!!
The windmills in Palm Springs. These will forever remind me of driving to/from California!! I always wonder how long those propeller things actually are. They are HUGE and there are a ton of them!How appropriate!!! We saw this semi truck hauling who knows what to who knows where!Entering the Grand Canyon state!!!Matt attempts to hit 100 mph!!!!!!!! (the governor kicks in right before, darn!)And what is the speed limit, dear???!?!?!Snoozin' twins!Almost there...... the TUNNEL!!! It's a tradition that you hold your breath as you pass through this tunnel. I remember it being a monumental task when I was younger. Now, it's just a bit easier. ;) You still have to let your breath out like it was the toughest thing in the world to hold it for one whole minute!!We're here!!! This is seriously the street we live on - "Lightning McQueen" Road!!! LOL!

Honestly, we're happy to be back in Arizona. Back near our families, who we've already seen lots of! My youngest brother, Joshua, was baptized and my little niece, Lexi, was blessed the weekend we got home! As much as we were excited to leave California, we are really missing our friends already!! I'm about ready to start planning our first family vacation back to California!!! :)


Trenda said...

I am glad you made it safely! I hear ya on wanting to throw all the boxes away and not showering for a few days! I actually wore the same thing two days in a row! LOL! I hate moving! We miss you!

The Smith's said...

We are glad you guys are back. We need to get together sometime.

Unknown said...

Yeah! I am glad that you are up and running. I am also glad that you made it safetly without incident. I have to say that I, like Trenda, wore the same thing two days in a row and they were definetly not clean the second day. YUCK! I am having the same problem as far as storage. Our new apartment doesn't have very much (especially the kitchen) and so, I have boxes everywhere too! We even left a lot at my sister-in-laws and we still have to much stuff. Ugh! If I send you a CD, will you burn all of the pictures that you have of my kids? Please? I look at the ones that you have of them and realize you have some better ones than I do. Talk to you soon!

Weston & Jennie said...

Sorry, didn't realize Weston was logged in.

Lindsay said...

Oh Jennie & Trenda, those clothes I am wearing the the picture are on their second day too!!! My BIL headed out late Tuesday night with all our stuff and Wednesday morning, I realized I hadn't pulled any clothes out for me!!

mad white woman said...

glad you are back safe and sound! oh, and the windmills... have you ever seen the propellers (spelling brain fart...) on the ground? they are enormous! and i still remember driving through the tunnel when my family lived in cali and would drive to arizona or visa versa. when you are all settled in, we need to get together1

Michelle said...

Yeah, you survived the move! I can't believe it's only been a week, it does feel like longer already. Good luck with all your new adventures! We miss you all!

Brandi said...

Hey I am so glad to hear that you guys made it safe and are doing good! We have been thinking about you! Good luck Matt on your last 2 rotations and you guys enjoy being home! We will see you!

Carrie Anne said...

Man I cannot believe you guys are out of Pepperwood and gone! And Matt is finished with school. Holy cow! Where does the time go? I hope you settle in is kinda fun finding new furniture and it's so nice to "let go" of some of the old.:) Good luck and keep us posted on new addresses, etc. I love this blogging's so great!

summer c said...

Isn't it so hard to leave! Cindy, Brandy, Jessica and I had "last girls night out" like 3 times! And when I went to say good bye to each of them b/f they left..........oh, it was heart wrenching. But then you settle in to the next stage of life. Good and bad I suppose! I loved the pic journal! I actually hired someone to watch my kids for me---wait, I think I wrote that on Trenda's blog too :) But you had family come which is even better! Good luck!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Glad you made it safely and hooray for blogs to help keep us in touch! :o)

Maren said...

hooray! glad you are back. we need to hang out. bitter sweet to leave im sure but it will be nice to be home again.