Not feeling very "Fall"-ish at the moment here with our 80 degree weather! We didn't make it to a pumpkin patch this year, so I decided to set up our own pumpkins and get a few shots of the kids in our courtyard area. I've decided that Brooklyn is very photogenic! She is a great poser and I always seem to have the most pictures of her that turn out well. Blake's eyes are hardly ever looking at the camera and Gavin was just plain grumpy today! I guess he didn't like the fact that I plopped him in front of some pumpkins right after I got him up from his nap! LOL! I bribed him with some Smarties and I was able to get a few.
Little Miss Brooklyn
Sweet girl
I love this one!!
Love this one too!! Mr. Blue Eyes!!
Have you hugged a pumpkin today?
Serious Blakey
Cute twins!
This pumpkin must have done something to offend him!!!

Happy now with his candy!
This was cute. I'd ask Gavin to pick up the pumpkin and he'd say, "Hebee!" (heavy)
Those turned out very cute! I should try something like that with my kids, although, I need a camera like yours! (coveting again)
cute pictures, lindsay! Your kids really are photogenic! They look great in all the pics you take of them!~In anoter post, I read Blake is allergic to corn. I hope that's not too much of a headache, in the matter of what you can and can not feed him now. I'm sure having a child with a severe allergy has to always be on your mind when ever you eat or what not. I hope he does better now that you know.
These are darling...they are so grown up AND so very cute!
Brooklyn is a rock star. So cute! And those cute clips in her hair..your amazing!
ps. your boys are adorable too:)
I really believe that you should make a business out of your photography skills. These are great!
Where are you??? I'm waiting patiently and checking every day. I was asking Sydney last night who she liked to play with the most and she looked at me and questioningly said "Blake and Brooklyn" almost like she wasn't sure if they were real. It made me sad. I hope that your move went well.
i hope you know we're all patiently awaiting you to get settled in so we can hang out! beka & i are anxious to see you guys. let me know if you need help with anything.
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