Happy 4th of July!!!
Every year over 4th of July weekend, the LeBarons have their family reunion. We were originally planning on going up Friday, but when we heard it was raining and being that we'd have to stay in a tent, we just decided to drive up early Saturday morning and spend the day.The moment we arrived, it was time for breakfast, but not just ANY breakfast - WAYNE'S breakfast. This unique event consists of frying bacon on a rusty 'ole #10 can, placing a piece of bread, with a hole pinched out of the middle, on top of the bacon and cracking an egg in the center. Sounds delish, doesn't it!!!!! It takes almost 30 minutes to cook one of these beauties!
Matt & I hiked with the kids up to "First Lookout." This was the first time I'd been up there and lets just say that I'm outta shape!!! It is a pretty good climb, but I was worried about smashing my precious camera. ;) Brooklyn and Emily were so cute, holding hands on the way up. I kept telling them they had to let go so they could use their hands on the tough spots.
On the way down, we had a little "incident." Please don't call CPS on Matt, he felt guilty enough!! Haha! I witnessed this all from behind. At one point on the way back down the mountain, Matt lifted Gavin off the ground (maybe to lift him over something?) holding both Gavin's wrists in one of his hands. Gavin starting crying and I knew that was an owie cry. I quickly caught up and we tried to assess where there may be damage, but couldn't pinpoint it. Gavin wouldn't move his arm and screamed every time WE tried to move it, so I took him the rest of the way down to the cabin. We were afraid we'd have to make an ER run to Payson, but thankfully we were reminded that Lafe Carroll, a member of the family, is a pediatrician and was at the reunion. So we found the Dr. and had him take a look at Gavin. He suspected nursemaid's elbow and did some twisty thing with his arm, told us to give Gav some Tylenol and to come back if it wasn't better in 20 minutes. Thankfully, Gavin started using his arm again and was good as new! Thanks Lafe!!! :)
The Cummard family was in charge this year and did a great job with activities! After a quick trash tidy up of the field, we played monster kickball....
I'm so glad to have married into such a tight-knit extended family! It's been four years since we've attended the LeBaron reunion and I'm glad that we were able to finally go this year. The weather was beautiful and cool and the kids had an absolute blast, running around, rolling in the dirt! Good times!
Brinna got that "nurse maid" elbow two times...both induced by Matthew on accident!!! The doctor said that once it's happened once, it gets easier for it to reoccur with every incident...bummer... from what I can tell it really hurts, but is almost instantly relieved by "popping" things back into socket...good thing for your doctor relative!
Who is Wayne and where did he come up with that breakfast idea??
That same thing happened to my little brother when my dad tried to pick him up. Screaming, urgent care, pop pop, happy boy. So tell Matt he's in good company, my dad is a pretty cool dad. :) Good thing Mr. Dr. was in your midst and that's all it was!
Looks like good family times with your family this summer. How nice.
That picture of Brooklyn & Emily is too cute! It was so much fun to watch them together.
Tell Matt I think he did an excellent job with photoshopping the family picture! I would have never known. I've got to learn how to use that program!
Lindsay! Your family is so cute! It has been so long since I last saw you! I think it was at Beckys wedding....too long ago!! Your family is so adorable. You are the cutest mommy(congrats on the new addition)!!! Thanks for the blog info- Its so fun to see what you guys are up to! I was actually on the same flight as your brother back in may coming to Utah. Your family has always been so sweet. Thanks for saying hi! Please feel free to stock my blog and say hi every now and again!-Janica
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