Thursday, July 31, 2008

He's a working man!!!

After EIGHT grueling weeks of waiting for the AZ State Board of Optometry to meet and approve licenses, Matt started working as an optometrist last week!!!!! *HE* was so ready to go to work, *I* was so ready for him to go to work, let's just say I love him SO much more when he's working. ;) Then I can actually be excited/anticipating/desperate for his arrival at the end of the day. Right honey??

I'm super proud of Matt!! He worked really hard to get this job. He was hired by a group that rarely brings on new grads, especially ones that aren't residency trained. That is two strikes against him, but the management was really impressed with a business proposal that Matt put together for the company and they were so excited to have him working for them!! We've thought we had lots of jobs that were THE ONE, but it's finally nice to have a contract signed and mula coming in! Did I mention that Matt got his first PAYCHECK at the end of his first week of work??!??! Bring on the money!! Love you honey!

We stopped by Daddy's office yesterday so the kids and I could see where he works. When we pulled up, I asked, "Do you know where we are?" Blake replied, "Daddy's eye school!" Um, no son, we're done with eye school for good now. We met some of the staff and doctors that Matt works with and everyone seemed really friendly. It was so weird hearing people refer to him as Dr. Palmer!!! That's my honey!

So the point is, anyone need an eye doctor? I know a good one...... LOL!


Jen Hilton said...

I love the last picture of Matt. Hey where are his offices located anyway? I can't remember the name of the company either. I

Brandy said...

Congrats..that's wonderful. Love all the pics!!

kemra said...

What an accomplishment!

Matt checked my eyes for my pre & postop appt., so I can vouch that he is a good doc!

You guys have such a cute family - your children are beautiful!!!

Christensen's said...

Hey thats awesome news!! I am sure yo worked just as hard as he did at getting this far in life! When one works so hard at school, the other one works and sacrifices too! Good for you guys!! Thats exciting!! Best of luck with the new job!

Weston & Jennie said...

Congrats on the job! I am excited for you guys. How is everything else going? I need to Call so we can catch up.

Maren said...

i do i do!! where is his office? i have had 2 appts scheduled and had to cancel them because of insurance mess ups. i will call and see if they accept my new insurance. can i have the #?

Carrie Anne said...

congratulations to you!!! wahoo!