Saturday, July 26, 2008

High in the Sky

This morning, we launched off rockets at a local park. It was hotter than hades outside and the poor little kiddos were all drenched in sweat and had rosy cheekies!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!!

Gavin helps retrieve a rocket
Look at Gavin's face in this picture!!!! So funny!

Blake's turn to launch all by himself ************************* Up, up and away!

My new FAVORITE picture of Gavin!!!


Carrie Anne said...

that's a really cute picture of gavin! you HAVE to frame it!
ok-car seats. i didn't want to buy a new one either, so i just got a new cover for bee's b/c usually i end up carrying the car seat around & it's super heavy & then my kids have always gotten cranky in them, so i think why bother? i just put the baby in the bjorn for now to do shopping, parks, walks etc. sometimes i wish i could put him down in the car seat but he does better being held & before i know it he'll be sitting up & then crawling so it won't be a huge deal, you know? at this point i've been happy with my choice. let me know what you decide!:)

Jen Hilton said...

Tat is my new fav picture of Gavin too! Love it.

Lindsay Skinner said...

That picture of Gavin is adorable!