Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Someone need their eyes checked?????

A while back, Kristin and I were shopping at Arizona Mills. In Old Navy, this shirt caught my eye because it was so fitting for my newly graduated eye doctor husband - you know, the Snellen eye chart. It was on clearance for $3, so being the thoughtful wife I am, I bought it for Matt. When it rang up, the description was kinda funny, but I brushed it off, paid, and we left the store. As we were walking away from the store, I told Kristin what it had rung up as and then it clicked. I pulled it out of the shopping bag and we had a good chuckle!!!

Take a look for yourself ------
I must be awfully naive because I totally read it as "Beauty is in the eye of the BEholder." I decided to keep the shirt and see if Derek or Matt would notice. Guess what? NEITHER of them did!! They all read it just like me, BEholder instead of BEERholder. Matt loves his new shirt! ;)


Jen Hilton said...

Nice Lindsay. I always new there was a secret wild side to you!

Weston & Jennie said...

I have to admit that I read it the same way that you did. How funny! I need to talk to you, so I will call in the next couple of days. :)

Lindsay Skinner said...

That is too funny! I did the same thing the first time I read it before finishing reading your entry.