This year~
1. no Halloween decorations up, inside or outside
2. no visit to the pumpkin patch
3. no carving pumpkins
Pfffft! What is WRONG with me??!?
Excuses are as follows:
1. Conference weekend I was busy enjoying my family, then I went into we're-leaving-on-vacay-in-one-week panic mode, so the LAST thing I wanted to do was drag out the box of Halloween decor! Then it got too close to waste my energy decorating to just take it all right back down.
2. I'm beginning to detest driving long distances, just to have a little bit of fun. Tuh.
3. I waited til the laaaaaaast minute and of course, there were no pumpkins to be found. *sigh*
Lets focus on the positive, here. I DID make Halloween-shaped sugar cookies, which the kids thoroughly enjoyed decorating and gobbling up. And I DID buy cutesie Halloween shirts for my kids (which I took no pictures of, what is wrong with me??!). And I DID buy costumes for 3/4 of my kids!!!!
We had a great time Friday night at the ward Trunk-or-Treat, seeing all the cute kids and brave adults in their costumes. :) Halloween night, I took Brooklyn to her dance studio for an hour or so for their Halloween festivities, then we took a quick trip trick-or-treating up and down the street perpendicular to ours. I wanted to get home to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters; my favorite part of Halloween now that we're homeowners!!! We started off with the cutest of all... ;)
Brooklyn, our darling angel! She made sure EVERYone knew what she was dressed up as. As if, it's hard to tell.....
We had a *little* costume drama with this boy. First of all, he changed his mind, every day on what he wanted to be. So I just left it up to him to choose something out of our overflowing boy dress-up bin. When it came time to get dressed in Superman (his choice) for the Trunk-or-Treat, a huge tantrum ensued, in which resulted (30 minutes later) in him wearing LAST year's pirate costume over jeans and his glow-in-the-dark skelly shirt. Saturday morning, I prepped him early on for the evening events of dressing up, but we still had plenty of tears come time to dress up again. Somehow, we survived. Although, he immediately stripped down upon returning home.
I'm pretty sure this kid has sensory issues. Everything is either choking him or itchy or pant legs are touching his feet, blah, blah, blah. He mostly lives in his unders all day.
I'm pretty sure this kid has sensory issues. Everything is either choking him or itchy or pant legs are touching his feet, blah, blah, blah. He mostly lives in his unders all day.
I can't believe October is over and Christmas is right around the corner!!