Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we spent at Disneyland and California Adventures. Let me tell you, my feet were ACHING by the end of day one!!! I don't think I heard the kids complain one bit about that!
I loved being able to take Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin on almost every single ride this time. Brooklyn and Blake were brave enough to do Indiana Jones and Tower of Terror with me, bless their sweet little hearts! Super duper grateful that Disneyland caters to families with little kids in every way. We used the "Switch Pass" who knows how many times, which allowed everyone to ride the rides that Preston couldn't without having to wait in long lines each time.
Favorite rides:
Blake -- Star Tours
Gavin -- Toy Story Mania
Preston -- Small WorldLeast favorite rides:
Blake --Tower of Terror (he tried to be brave.....)
Gavin -- Space Mountain (wanted to do this one the most, once he got off he proclaimed he would NEVER to that again!)
Preston -- the hotel elevator, haha! (poor kid whimpered every time we got in the thing!)
We rode most every ride, some of them LOTS of times!!!
I think Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters will always and forever be the first ride we go on!!
Check out Matt's score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He even ranked!
I think Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters will always and forever be the first ride we go on!!
He's highly competitive. No one messes with him! LOL!
First nap (of many!) in the park
Gavin sees what he can "sea" out the porthole on the Finding Nemo submarine voyage
Daddy, Blake and Gav go for a spin on Autopia -- Brooklyn is driving like a pro
Preston oohed, aahed, pointed and clapped on Small World.

Matt's the real churro-monster. Too bad he kept sneaking them
when I would take the kids on rides while he sat out with Prest!!
Haunted Mansion with a little sun flare ;)
Getting our zippity-doo-dah on ~ Splash Mountain
Our family in the traditional castle pose :)
Presty-boy's very 1st pair of Mickey Mouse ears
More evidence that random people can't be trusted to take a GOOD picture. I had to crop a stray child out of this picture that was already off-centered. Is it too much to ask, really??
when I would take the kids on rides while he sat out with Prest!!

Now over to California Adventures :)
This was our first time riding Toy Story Mania. We loved it!!! We have the Wii game, which made it more familiar

He was a sticky mess by the time I pried the stick out of his death grip!

She rode this thing a total of THREE times and begged for more!! Here she is with Daddy ==>
They survived the Tower of Terror!!!
Barely. Haha!! Blake pretty much clung onto me for dear life!!
So cheesy, I know! ;)
Gavin bites the dust at the end of day 2!
Back to Disneyland for a few more rides (the kids took me on Star Tours) and souvenir shopping!
The boys couldn't leave without building their very OWN double-sided ultimate light saber!!!
You woulda thought it was rocket science with the amount of time it took to put them together!
Love you honey! ;)
Brooklyn was very happy to finally BUY a souvenir of her very own!!
She also got a princess diary with a real lock & key! ;)

The boys couldn't leave without building their very OWN double-sided ultimate light saber!!!
You woulda thought it was rocket science with the amount of time it took to put them together!
Love you honey! ;)

She also got a princess diary with a real lock & key! ;)
Thanks for letting US celebrate, Mickey!!
Gettin' buggy with it!!