For awhile now, the boys (particularly Blake) have been begging me to take them to the store so they could buy something with their money. I promised that Monday would be the day. So yesterday while the twins were at school, Gav and I had a little education time as well. :)
We emptied his piggy bank and he sorted the money into paper bills and coins. Then he grouped the coins by category and lined them up in a row. We counted each group of dollars, quarters, dimes nickels and pennies to determine how much money he had. It made me realize how many teaching opportunities happen in our every day lives!!

I dropped Brooklyn off at ballet that afternoon and we zipped over to Target to let Blake & Gavin do their thing.

Of course they direct me right to the Bakugan section!! They were out to buy some "battle gear!"

At the register, Gavin had a little melt down (crying loudly and all) that he didn't want the lady to take his money!!! LOL! It's hard for a 4 year old to understand the trading money for goods concept. But once he got his toy back in hand, he was happy as a clam!

Now the boys have to do a little more saving and losing a few more teeth to feed their poor empty piggy banks! And Brooklyn is begging me to take her to spend HER money, since that wasn't fair that only the boys got to, of course. ;)
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