Brooklyn performed in the Spring Recital for her dance studio today. Her beginning ballet class danced to Brahms "Lullaby." Beforehand, she was nervous because she was front and center during the routine, but I told her that she knew her dance and not to be afraid. Brooklyn did absolutely perfect and of course I teared up seeing her on stage!! I wanted to take a video with my camera, but they warned over and over again that there was not supposed to be any photography or recording so I chickened out. \"/ I'm definitely looking forward to many more recitals in the years to come! She was also "promoted" to intermediate ballet and we're thinking about possibly adding another class in the Fall.
Brothers waiting to surprise their sister with roses

She loved them!!! ♥

Funniest thing- she kept telling me for weeks before the recital that she wanted us to
THROW roses at her when she was finished dancing on stage. LOL! I told her that people don't do that and she just kinda sighed and went along her way. I knew that we were going to GIVE her roses after her performance, but I didn't tell her, so she was definitely happy to get flowers!
Two of her biggest fans!

Proud Mommy & Daddy

Me and my pretty girl

Grandpa & Grandma Palmer came to watch her perform too!

We caught this candid shot as we were walking back to the car. Blake sure loves his sister!!!!

Here are her professional portraits taken at the studio (including the group one at the top):

Super cute!!!
That was so cute!
how darling. i love her smile & that candid is so cute, too!
Oh, I love the pic of your boys holding the flowers behind their backs. Precious! :) Ambree's first dance recitle is in June and I can't wait!
She's adorable! I love that the boys had roses for her. What a fun thing, too bad you couldn't throw roses to her onstage! ;)
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